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Kunal1991 reacted to sygnus21's post in the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming) with Like.Headphones are a personal thing. That said there are all kinds of shapes, sizes, and weight so lumping all things together because of...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).Ah, my bad. This happens when you say Z1R to an IEM guy 😅
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).May I know what chain you fed into the HD800S? From all the reviews I've seen, it seems to be incredibly source picky. More so than even...
Kunal1991 reacted to PinkyPowers's post in the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming) with Like.They're both using Stealth Magnets, nanometer diaphragm, and 8hz-65hz. But you're right. Both impedance and sensitivity are higher by a...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).The HD800S by far seems like the most divisive headphone talked about online. Some are wowed by it, but equally as many are not...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).I think they reworked the magnets on the SE. The SE can be tuned to sound almost exactly like a Stealth but not vice-versa. They also...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).Well it's not to say I wouldn't be using the HD800S for music. I just don't like headphones a lot for music because of the...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).Wow, really? In that case, why couldn't I just buy an Arya Organic and EQ some treble into it? I thought the SE was a step above the...
Kunal1991 reacted to DillingerEP's post in the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming) with Like.For gaming only i would seek a used Sennheiser HD 800. It soundstage, imaging and detail are just phantastic for gaming, especially...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).The HE1000stealth are significantly cheaper and I did consider them at one point. However after researching a bit, the general consensus...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).Wow, that's genuinely surprising. The Z1R is famous for its fit and heft issues and here you are wearing it for probably hours... How do...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).I am sure it's good, the Nectar HiveX has some decent reviews. I'm however on the quest for endgame, not starting point 😄 Actually...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).I already have a HiFiMan Edition XS which I really like for desktop listening and plan to keep it until it fails. Between the HD800s and...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).Ah, I did consider ESTs at one point. The ones that reviewed favourably were all quite expensive with equally expensive energizers to...
Kunal1991 replied to the thread Buy the Sennheiser HD800S now or save up for the HE1000SE? (Mostly Gaming).The same reason why anyone would spend thousands of dollars to build a liquid cooled high powered PC when gaming consoles are available...