Recent content by kodyaudio
  1. kodyaudio

    Quattro de mayo Seattle meet impressions

    Hey Guys and Gals,   New here and need some direction/help please....   I live in Seattle and am wondering...   Where is a calendar of upcoming meets in the northwest?   In seattle or portland or Vancouver CA...   Is there a central location for this kind of schedule or what...
  2. kodyaudio

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Greed, best not to "guess"... Apologies for a posting error... Posted prior to seeing the next page of answers. I value and appreciate your and other responses. Thank you
  3. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    Link, It's 1/2 way down,,, comfort cover.... Totally awesome!
  4. kodyaudio

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    As new at all this... I was simply under the impression that choosing closed cans was an intentional choice for sound isolation in a noisy environment... So the music sounded better without the noise coming in.... But... Noise comes in anyway... Lessening the audible experience.... So to...
  5. kodyaudio

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    This is TH900 related I promise...   I have demoed Beyer T90's open, then ordered TH600's expecting isolation from a closed headphone...   (I was considering demoing the TH900's as well)   But given the lack of Isolation...  listening in a busy environment s-bucks or hotel lobby...
  6. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    PS on making gel pads more comfortable, I fly small planes and have a headset w gell pads... the cloth covers which go over the whole ear open like a condom, place cloth between the gel bad and your head... making them significantly more comfortable... note I have never applied this to Cans...
  7. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    Theogenes,   the more i am listening to the th600's the more i think i should go with high end custom IEM's due to isolation...  little point in having gret high end PORTABLE gear if external "junk" is interfering w music...   that said.. i am still considering changing the pico sac/amp...
  8. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    Theogenes, I do enjoy the beyer sound, from the isolation graphs "" the t5p has good isolation out of the box, which ear pads did you go with? Do it yourself? What's a practical comparison of your t5p before and then after modification of ear pads? Thanks!
  9. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    OK Team...   I am auditioning right now: Iphone5, (crappy apple download quality files) Pico amp/dac combo TH 600's   and while its sounds great for what I am feeding it, I completely understanding the isolation on the go concern...   I have some Beyer T90's (open) which do...
  10. kodyaudio

    Cases for a Fostex HP-P1 based portable rig

    Pics using the pelican case please? And any of you compare the fostex to the pico amp/dac combo? What realistic battery life are you getting from the fostex?
  11. kodyaudio

    Need Help!!! Recommendations for Best Portable Rig Please!!

    I too am in the same search... About to audition th600's w pico amp dac combo... Rokheadfi and theogenes.... What set ups have you landed with?
  12. kodyaudio

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    is this this a similar screw problem reported with the dennons?   and   Does anyone know if the 600's are sturdier or same exact design?
  13. kodyaudio

    Fostex TH900 Impressions & Discussion Thread

    Question, how is the red finish holding up to wear and tear on the th900's? If purchased, I would take them traveling, take them to the office, I'm fine with taking a larger set of headphones around because of the quality... But I am concerned the finish is just not going to be durable.. Has...