Recent content by kkmkk
  1. kkmkk

    Ultrasone Fan Club! (Roll Call)

    Thanks. My budget at the moment is around 200. I will have to save up for anything higher. That said, between 550/750, i read that 550 is the darker. Know nothing else. A friend a able to get these for me. So my choice is between these for now. Thanks a lot.
  2. kkmkk

    Ultrasone Fan Club! (Roll Call)

    Hi all, i am new here. Got my 680 for a while now. Loving it. Thining of getter either the pro550 or pro750? Which one is actually brighter? By a lot? Also any desktop amps recommendation for both the 680 and 550/750? I mainly use them for listening to music. All sorts. Thanks a lot