KEV G's latest activity
  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to majo123's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    Told ya.
  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to Light - Man's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    Hey Kev @KEV G be very careful with the foxes as they are genetically trained to kill and they can gang up on one solitary cat. A very...
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    He beat 7 barrels of the proverbial out of a fox a few weeks ago. I made the mistake of letting him out when he was way too eager to get...
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    Like f#%k have I
  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to OldDude04's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    That is every single one of us pet owners after listing all the crazy things they do, lol.
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    Don’t think we’ll do it full time, just fun builds but we’ll put any profits into the next build and so on. Then build a really high...
  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to majo123's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    Why would you need too? ....btr5 maybe lol
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    No training needed with this one lol it’s pure territorial aggression. First time we let him out when he was a kitten he attacked my...
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  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to OldDude04's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    Bro, sounds like you really need to get some sleep, lol.
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    Lol haven’t got time, got three bikes to build. That’s what is taking up my time and money lately. We’re actually toying with the idea...
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    No more sleeps, and haven’t been for some time lol Still loving the gear I have settled on and enjoying my music immensely, older gear...
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  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    Nearly forgot-
  • KEV G
    KEV G replied to the thread The Audio Lounge.
    All dogs shake like that when face to face with my primate brained dingo know the look-
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  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to majo123's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    I just want to give a shout to @mbwilson111 who obviously is still coming to terms with everything , I'm sure all our thoughts are with...
  • KEV G
    KEV G reacted to majo123's post in the thread The Audio Lounge with Like Like.
    I think thrres a lot of truth and crap within the hobby , cables obviously are the big sore subject, personally I feel that guage and...