Recent content by KeLLoGs
  1. KeLLoGs

    audiologist - Ear impression in Sweden

    Staffanstorps Hörselteknik should be able to do the trick. But it depends on where you live I guess... //KeLLoGs
  2. KeLLoGs

    (Dual) Micro Armatures for custom molds?

    I'll gladly put up some pictures once I have something nice to show. The first shell I made isn't a beauty but it fits great! //KeLLoGs
  3. KeLLoGs

    (Dual) Micro Armatures for custom molds?

    Hey! I'm into gettig me some new earphones IEM. I'm in the dental business and therefor have the proper tools for making some custom fitted earshells. I've actually already made impressions of both ears and tried to make an earshell, but the result wasn't great so I will redo it. Anyway...