Recent content by Keapult
  1. Keapult

    List of german headphone companies?

    I was wondering if anyone could supply me a list of all the german headphone companies. Just curious if theres any other high quality brands out there than the usual senns, beyer and ultrasones. I tried google but with not much helpful results. Regards,
  2. Keapult

    Lehmann blackcube vs Meier CORDA SYMPHONY.2

    Just wondering which is better powering something of Ultrasone and 600 ohms beyer also on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the most entry level of headamps and 10 being the highest end headamp in the industry, where would u guys rate the above two? edit: the lehmann is the linear USB and also...
  3. Keapult

    Beyer DT860 vs 880 vs 990

    I did some searching on this forum before posting this and i will point out that im a big fan of neutrality sounding cans. From the comments that i found it seems between the 990 and 880, the 880 would be my cup of tea. I couldnt find much info regarding the 860s, only useful info i came...
  4. Keapult

    Questions regarding PRO2500

    Hi all, ive recently decided to buy myself a pair of Ultrasone PRO 2500 headphone to replace my old sennheiser for casual listening. Ive got a single question about it: Which country is it made/assembled in? Ive searched the Ultrasone's site with no result and googled it a few times too...