Recent content by kb1014
  1. kb1014

    Little Dot I+ Tube Rolling

    Hi there! Long time no post here but... after reading for a "while" about Little Dot I+ I've just received my Little Dot I+ and want to share with all of you about opamp rolling. I have some experience in this area and for me and my Grados best SQ is from Analog Devices family of AD8599...
  2. kb1014


    thank you, that gave me a lot. now... is there anyway to know what type of upsampler (from what to what it's upsamping and how well) is present on the card board (if any) ? is the Secret Rabbit Code good software upsampler ? thank you for the anserw in future, I think this will put an...
  3. kb1014


    Hi, to understand what is actually "going-on" with the "sound" (sound signal), what is digital and what is analog etc. I would like to ask you some questions: 1. Why there are (i presume there are) differencec in sound quality across various digital sources like different sound cards in...
  4. kb1014

    Does ASIO really make a difference? Seems like it!

    HI, I'm new one. well... I've tested it. a lots of blind tests. very carrefully. and I'm SURE there IS a difference between ASIO and KS. But mark this: I've been using 2 independent F2Ks, one (v0.8.03) with KS and secound (newest) with ASIO support. And one more thing: I didn't use...