Recent content by karankg
  1. karankg

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Hey guys so I recently bought a pair of HD650s and I already had a Fiio E17 AMP/DAC. Loving the headphones already but I definitely feel that they would be better served by a better amp. I was thinking about buying a Schiit Valhalla II. Any thoughts on this decision?
  2. karankg

    FLAC files losing buffers. PLEASE HELP!

    So i never had this problem until today. But whenever i play FLAC files on my laptop now it seems to pause for a tiny but and continue where it left of. My guess was that it was not buffering properly, and i was correct. I tried changing the interval rate of the buffers to no effect. And every...
  3. karankg

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    So i got into a fit of rage and accidentally threw my sennheiser HD449s and they sort of broke =/ But luckily my birthday's in a couple of days and i was looking to upgrade to better headphones anyway. I'm currently eyeing the sennheiser HD 598s as they fit my budget of 200-300$ perfectly...