Recent content by jumblebee
  1. jumblebee

    Fake ATH-ESW-9? (56K warning!)

    Bump.   Someone with legit ESW9a's please check your box for us, and tell us if deutsche is spelled "Deutch." Thank you!!
  2. jumblebee

    Fake ATH-ESW-9? (56K warning!)

    Mine too have all the features you've mentioned.   There has to be someone out there who has their legit box who could read the back of the box, or better yet post a picture.   There are a lot of people in this thread who would find it very useful.   Thank you.
  3. jumblebee

    Fake ATH-ESW-9? (56K warning!)

    Can somebody with real ESW9a's please look at the back of your box and tell me if it says "Deutch" or "Paddock?"   Please? Thank you!   Everything about mine seem real apart from the misspellings.