Recent content by josephoh
  1. josephoh

    Fake Sennheiser Momentums?

    If that's because the cups are fake leather, then yeah, you should be concerned. However, if they seem to be real leather, which I'm guessing they are, you're fine. Leather is not as predictable a material as synthetic materials since it's literally stretched out animal skin.
  2. josephoh

    Fake Sennheiser Momentums?

    It definitely could. I think the box is not the best indicator of fake vs. real because everything about the box can be copied fairly easily. Did the hologram on the side check out with Sennheiser's website? The actual headphones themselves are the best way of verifying a genuine item.
  3. josephoh

    Fake Sennheiser Momentums?

    I agree; those absolutely look like the real deal. As for the slightly faded hologram, mine looks the same way. Keep in mind, the original Momentums are discontinued, so although your set is brand new, it's not fresh out of the factory. It's been sitting on a shelf somewhere for a long time...
  4. josephoh

    Fake Sennheiser Momentums?

    I am noticing a few differences between d4nt3's fakes and the ones I bought from Warehouse Deals ("very good" condition). The spare cable on mine does not say "Listen responsibly. Drive safely" at all on the tabbed plastic that is wrapped around it. There is no lettering at all on that wrap.  ...
  5. josephoh

    Fake Sennheiser Momentums?

    Hi syclick,   I also just got a pair from Warehouse Deals, and this post scared me at first, too! However, a Warehouse Deals set would be an return, and I would expect that it would almost certainly be genuine unless someone decided to be a real jerk and buy genuine only to return...