Recent content by JoOsh
  1. JoOsh

    Titanium HD + O2/ODAC - Best set-up

    Thanks for the replies.   After trying out both variants I'm gonna stick with using the RCA outputs from the Titanium HD into the input of the Combo. I guess that makes the ODAC useless but it works pretty well and sounds alright. On top it is just way more convenient than switching from one...
  2. JoOsh

    Titanium HD + O2/ODAC - Best set-up

    Thanks for the quick reply. For now I'll just go with the USB and try if I need the titanium hd for gaming
  3. JoOsh

    Titanium HD + O2/ODAC - Best set-up

    Hi guys,   I'll just keep it really short: What's the best way to connect the listed gear? Is there a way to use the SPDIF, should i just use the USB and change to the Titanium HD when gaming or is there a more optimal way? Thanks in advance!
  4. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

    Thanks for all the input! For now I refrain from buying those headphones since the combination of those + a good amp seem like a overkill for just an interest in an upgrade. I'll probably have to dig deeper into the subject, try out some combinations or just save some money to get a really good...
  5. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

      I'll have a look into the A-900X. As I wrote in my original post, I don't really need new headphones, but I'm willing to take it to the next level. I really enjoy listening to music or playing games, where soundstage is really handy. I read about the Q701 when I was just browsing the web for...
  6. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

    Well Massdrop is accessible, but they don't seem to ship internatioally anymore sadly. (Kinda ironic, since Austria is much closer to Germany.. )   Would you recommend to rather get a desktop amp, even though I have one for my speakers or look for different headphones that don't require a good...
  7. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

    I don't really need a portable amp since I mostly listen to music when I'm at home. The large soundstage (which I believe the AD700 has as well) is quite fine with me since I also use it a lot for gaming. I don't really dislike that. Thanks for the suggestions though. I'll look into it. It...
  8. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

    Alright, I'll might reconsider buying it just yet. I might just save for the M-Stage or something. Is the M-Stage an upgrade worth buying when I just have the AD700?   Thanks for answering my other question!
  9. JoOsh

    Q701 worth buying for me?

    Hi,   I don't really need new headphones yet, but I stumbled upon this beautiful pair of headphones by researching. I'm really kinda interessted in getting them, even though I don't really know if I can run them to their fullest or at least "good enough". So far I've been using an AD700...