Recent content by jiahao8
  1. jiahao8

    VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread

    yea it isnt a bad thing having a whole set of sizes to find the perfect fit once anw.. have fun with the phones! besides judging based on comfort and subjectively how the music sounds, i use this when testing the seal of ear tips:
  2. jiahao8

    VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread

    the one in singapore doesnt have ear tips either. just call up and ask for spare parts?
  3. jiahao8

    VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread

    The Sony tips are fatter and flatter than the gr07 stock tips, but the green hybrids roughly correspond to the mediums and the orange to the smalls. Hybrids are plenty soft, so they seal very well although there's less variety of sizes. As for getting only the size you want, I went to the Sony...
  4. jiahao8

    VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread

    for anyone lacking ear tips because vsonic is running out of stock, you should really just try the sony hybrids. they sell for really cheap at sony service centers- something like $1 per piece, and they are extremely comfortable and fitting. just remember to pull your ear upwards and slightly...
  5. jiahao8

    Sony MH1c replacement tip size?

    for anyone else who might be wondering about this, the MH1c probably uses the same sized tips as the gr07 which has a loong thread on replacement tips. the only foam tips reported to successfully fit seems to be the Comply p100 and the Vsonic foam knockoffs shipped from China. i might try the...