jgwtriode's latest activity
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to L0rdGwyn's post in the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio with Like Like.
    I am expecting big things from these, 5K:8ohm single secondary OPT for my 801A amp. Dying to get this thing finished, but winter...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to L0rdGwyn's post in the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio with Like Like.
    Show us a pic when you get one! I think you should be able to find the real thing on eBay. Yeah, right now everything is in its place...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode replied to the thread ZMF Atrium Closed.
    I feel you brother, but the bottom line is; Zach builds art that sounds as good or better than it looks! And like all brilliant...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to UntilThen's post in the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio with Like Like.
    Too cute. Pack it up and send it to @bcowen.
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to L0rdGwyn's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    The output impedance is slightly lower than the 5998 or 421A by 2ohms or so. Not a massive difference, but the higher transconductance...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to goldwerger's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    I remain with the Suede pads on my hard wood AC. I really love this combination. For me, the suede pads take off a little of the...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to Monsterzero's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    Thank you! Again, to my ears and in my system the AC has the largest stage of any closed back I have ever heard. It isn't night vs. day...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to Monsterzero's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    That's a tough question to answer without context. The users chain is going to play a big role in how the AC sounds. Like my Lampi DAC...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to L0rdGwyn's post in the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio with Like Like.
    I have a pretty good schedule for the next week or so, going to make some more progress on the Aegis doc. Been doing some thinking...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode replied to the thread ZMF Atrium Closed.
    Another Brilliant review Monster! Soundstage was a bit of a concern from what I have read previously. But I am wondering now that...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode replied to the thread Gustard U18.
    After Dark Black Magic II on the After Dark site is pretty damn good. It's $232.00. It's quite a bit better than the Blue Jeans. I...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to goldwerger's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    First of all, wishing much health to your Airmid... (and I need enough of these few to stay alive and kicking for when one of you...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to inthere's post in the thread ZMF Atrium Closed with Like Like.
    The best sounding setup(to me) I heard at Can Jam was Atrium closed/Feliks Audio Evo. I went to Can Jam specifically to hear the Envy...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode replied to the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio.
    Oops. Yeah Tom Miller, formerly of the Absolute Sound loved the Beethoven's on Rowland Electronics and who could argue sound was as...
  • jgwtriode
    jgwtriode reacted to L0rdGwyn's post in the thread L0rdGwyn's DIY Audio with Like Like.
    I like Lundahl, I have their MC SUT in my phono stage and LL1620 OPT in my 6A5G SET, but since a large portion of their transformer line...