Recent content by JeSuisMusique
  1. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    The same thing here. Not a big deal to me, but it would be nice if it's fixed on the next firmware.
  2. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    Good to know about .m3u8. Thank you!
  3. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

      Hi Brooko and uzi2,   It worked! I tried both your methods. I wanted to experiment, so after that, I opened a new text document in the TF folders, using "#EXTM3U" and another one without it. The issue was not adding #EXTM3U. I tried both .m3u and .m3u8 extensions and both worked as long...
  4. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

      Hi Loquah,   So, I re-installed Media Monkey just to do this. Sorry if this sounds ignorant/clueless, but how can one generate automatically extended m3u formats on MM? (I did google how to do it, but I couldn't find it.) When I created the playlist, I was able to save it only as a simple...
  5. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

      Hello Brooko,   Thank you for your suggestion! Yes, I had done this prior to posting my question and it didn't work, either. But, then, I hadn't tried CH23's suggestion... Hi CH23,   Thanks as well for your response! I just tried this and it did not work for me.   For Brooko, CH23...
  6. JeSuisMusique

    The Fiio X5 Thread

    I posted this on Fiio's Facebook page. Thought I would try it here as well. I have created a .m3u playlist. However, when I go to playlists on my Fiio X5, it says that it cannot find any files in it. How can I make the X5 play the songs on the playlist? (I naturally downloaded the new firmware...
  7. JeSuisMusique

    Audio Technica ATH M50 vs Beyerdynamic DT990 Premium 32ohms (Help a newbie) :)

    I will preface my post by saying that, although I read and try to get information on headphones as much as I can, I do not have a wealth of technical knowledge, so my apologies.   I have both the Audio Technica ATH-M50 (coiled cord) and the Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250 ohms. Both of them are...
  8. JeSuisMusique

    I put Beyer velour pads on my Panasonic RP-HTX7's

    Sweet Spot,   I just wanted to show my appreciation as I found this thread and replaced my Panasonic pads with the Beyer's.    Thank you, thank you, thank you.