Recent content by jameshome
  1. jameshome

    Shure E2c soft sleeves coming 2/15/05!

    please cancel my order, a friend ordered a bag of five and has offered to give me a pair! thanks again.
  2. jameshome

    Shure E2c soft sleeves coming 2/15/05!

    hiya! sorry to make another change, but since they're so cheap I'd like to be on the safe side and get a pair of smalls too. so 1 pair of smalls, and 2 pairs of mediums. thanks again for taking the time to make this happen!
  3. jameshome

    Shure E2c soft sleeves coming 2/15/05!

    hiya! thanks so much for arranging this, and count me in! two mediums please. I'm in San Francisco, California. thanks again! - J.