Recent content by insidedrive
  1. insidedrive

    Samsung Level In - Dual BA + Dynamic Hybrids (EO-IG900)

    Thanks for your input! One more question, how does it sound compared to the IEMs that you mentioned?
  2. insidedrive

    [Review] NVX EX10s, another solid offering from a new audio company

    This is interesting, according to Rin Choi   These IEMs measure and perform extremely similar to V-Sonic GR07 MKII, and he claims that the sound is equivalent :0   Anyone with GR07 MKII (not the bass edition) who...
  3. insidedrive

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Hello, how does the Onkyo IEMS compare with the Vsonic GR07 and TDK BA200 and which sweet do you prefer? Also what rating would you give it?
  4. insidedrive

    Android phones and USB DACs

      I'm not sure about it streaming PCM as I was only playing 16/44.1 files. The LED indicator was green however. Anyways the USB Audio Player Pro does not read the Dragonfly (I have version 1.0) even though the firmware did. Unfortunately, I had to go back to Kit Kat the L version broke many apps.
  5. insidedrive

    Android phones and USB DACs

    Hmm ... I thought with with the new L version Google has implemented USB audio fully, of course this is a developer build in beta so things could change!
  6. insidedrive

    Android phones and USB DACs

    With the new android version l I finally got my Audioquest Dragonfly to work :) However there is only one volume available which is a little too loud for me. It is either that our no volume. In other words the volume slider does not work
  7. insidedrive

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Hello joker how do you think the RHA MA750 compares with iems in its price range such as the gr07, re400, and Fidelio s2?
  8. insidedrive

    LG Quadbeat 2 Impressions Thread

    Hey Inks, do you know if Rin is going to measure these gems?
  9. insidedrive

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Hello Joker,   How does the Vsonic VC1000 compare with the UE900 or GR01?
  10. insidedrive

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Joker, have you had the Chance to hear the vc1000? If so how does it compare with the gr01?
  11. insidedrive

    Why Dont Airplanes Have Standard Stereo Headphone Jacks?

    Thats a good observation, I have never thought of it. However the audio coming out of the jack must be horrendous.
  12. insidedrive

    WORST headphone you ever heard?

    Of my short headphone history, I believe that the Sony MDR-V150 is the worst that I have heard. IT sounds like listening through Beats Solo through a wet sock.  