Recent content by imported_pete_d
  1. imported_pete_d

    Roll Call for Team AKG

    Another proud antipodean member of Team AKG here... Previously Owned: k66, k204s Currently Own : k271s, k81dj On the 'Agenda': k501/k601 PD
  2. imported_pete_d

    The ULTIMATE K501 bass mod

    so,VR6, i assume that you own the k81's, k501s and k601s? I own the k81's and k271's, but find since i use and love the k81's so much,i should check out some open cans. I'd also like something that could do the bass thump akin to the k81's more readily (i love those little cans) I was...
  3. imported_pete_d

    AKG K217?

    I've got a pair of k271s and run it through the headphone out of a Echo Layla audio interface (so headphone amp quality is good, but not on par with anything dedicated) I've had mine for about 16 months, and mine have had the bluetac mod, acoustic foam added, and i've made a better quality cable...
  4. imported_pete_d

    AKG K701 Review Thread

    so with this clinical characteristic in mind, would the k601's (described as being both dark, warm and more rounded off, as well as being described by Tyll as 'great rock cans') be a better option for a pauper uni student who loves the AKG house sound but hates excess of treble, and wants to...
  5. imported_pete_d

    Tonelabs SE + which headphone?

    Being quite familiar with the Tonelab and POD type units (working in a musical instruments store) I've noticed that the headphone amp and general output of the Tonelab isn't the best for capturing the organic,raw sound of an overdriven guitar. Don't get me wrong, the Tonelab is without doubt the...
  6. imported_pete_d

    Beyerdynamic DTX 20 Opinions

    I had a pair for a while (still do actually) I found them to be way too big for my ears, which are not particularly small. They therefore got painful quite quickly. One of the buds came apart as well (the silver plastic part on the back detached and the clip broke - superglue solved that...
  7. imported_pete_d

    so, who's gonna be the first to build an amp inside the AKG k701 stand

    I'm not sure if there's enough space, but looking at the 'post your headphone thread', it seems like a great project to try and ram the guts of a CMOY or PIMETA into the belly of this stand. Maybe get a plug in the back that would make it mains powered, and put a metal plate and some feet on the...
  8. imported_pete_d

    Comfort of AKG K-271

    I own the k271's (as you can probably tell from the avatar). I find that they are quite comfortable, and sit lightly on the head. The self-adjustable headband works brilliantly (although makes an annoying 'creeak' sound through the encolsed cups at times). The cup size itself is decent, but the...
  9. imported_pete_d

    Did you ever get an eargasm by just don't using your phones for 2 days ?

    so, would waking up in the morning after sleeping with headphones on be considered a sonic morning glory?
  10. imported_pete_d

    Recommend me some excellent headphones for monitoring (acoustic instrumentals)

    Quote: Originally Posted by jagorev Gotcha. So you want isolating headphones. I'm going to suggest AKG K271s. I haven't heard a better sealed headphone for acoustic music myself (I'm not familiar with the Ultrasone or ATH woody line). The noise-blocking is pretty good in my...
  11. imported_pete_d

    Just sold what do I do?

    The problem is that, at least down here in Australia, the price difference between the k601 and the k701 is significant. The k601 goes for about $450AUS and the k701 goes for $795AUS. My question is this: I concede that the k701 is clearly the pick of the AKG bunch (k1k excepted) however...
  12. imported_pete_d

    Just sold what do I do?

    as a current K271s owner, and a true fan of AKG, does the k601 (next potential purchase have the same soundstage and mids as the k501. Seems that the k701 gets a lot of good press, and the k501 gets props for its mids, but the k601 never gets much mention. mods: accidental double post, please...
  13. imported_pete_d

    Just sold what do I do?

    as a current K271s owner, and a true fan of AKG, does the k601 (next potential purchase have the same soundstage and mids as the k501. Seems that the k701 gets a lot of good press, and the k501 gets props for its mids, but the k601 never gets much mention.
  14. imported_pete_d

    Official K-81 DJ thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by 3lusiv3 Sorry I didn't mean to take this off topic. I haven't heard the k81 but going on what I read I think I would prefer it, soundwise, over the k271s. Otherwise in the full size category, I find the k271s too uncomfortable, and too lacking in bass, so I...
  15. imported_pete_d

    I want a pair of GREAT closed cans

    I'm biased, but really like the AKG k271 studio. They are fairly lightweight and very confortable (unless you have big ears) and very natural in the mids, and smooth non fatiguing highs. Bass is not excessive but adequate for most styles of music when listening in a hi-fi context. Works...