Recent content by ILLScholar
  1. ILLScholar

    Best amp under $500 with multiple inputs?

    Well, I'm definitely more into performance than I am looks, so that isn't an issue with me at all. I'm just really trying to figure out more exactly what my setup is going to look like before I just into any decisions. Mainly the decision hinges upon whether I even want to bother using my...
  2. ILLScholar

    Best amp under $500 with multiple inputs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by odmanca I second GreatDane on the Central Station. I just got mine this week. The headphone amps give a great deal of details but still a rich/full and very accurate sound. But the CS does come with more than what you are looking for. In addition to the...
  3. ILLScholar

    Best amp under $500 with multiple inputs?

    Anyone with suggestions?
  4. ILLScholar

    Best amp under $500 with multiple inputs?

    Essentially what I am looking for is an amp that has a few different inputs, whether they be RCA or 1/8' stereo connectors. What I want to do is be able to run a few sources into it (like an iPod via an LOD and whatever else running through a DAC) and not have to unplug one of them to plug in...
  5. ILLScholar

    Musiland MD-10

    Quote: Originally Posted by Yotsuba Did someone ever listen to this one ? I wanted to buy the Great March, but the MD10 seems promising. I like the design, but I don't know anything about chips and other technical stuff, and I can't find any review... This is what I would like to...
  6. ILLScholar

    Suggestions on a headphone/DAC/amp setup

    Quote: Originally Posted by Purgatos Certainly no more or less than with the Sennheisers. Not from my understanding. However, the older one is a terrific bargain at ~$150, so I wouldn't worry about it. Some people think so, some people don't. I certainly can't find...
  7. ILLScholar

    Suggestions on a headphone/DAC/amp setup

    Ok, so let's say for the sake of argument, I've narrowed it down between the HD 650 and the DT 880. The more reviews and such I read on here, the more difficult it becomes to make my decision. I'm sure tons of people on here have that problem. But those two seem to be the phones that best suit...
  8. ILLScholar

    Suggestions on a headphone/DAC/amp setup

    Excellent. Thank you both for your help. That Musiland MD10 looks like quite the piece of equipment. I'll have to keep that in mind. And I'm certainly not against getting a tube amp. After reading up on the Little Dot II ++, that is also an option for me. noseallinit, thank you for your...
  9. ILLScholar

    Suggestions on a headphone/DAC/amp setup

    Just a heads up that I am relatively new on the full sized cans side of this house. I have a decent amount of experience with IEMs, but I've never really had a setup that required an amp or anything like that. Essentially what I am trying to do is start with a headphone/DAC/amp setup that will...