Recent content by ian666
  1. ian666

    Asus Essence One Headphone Amp/DAC (CeBIT 2011)

    Hi guys   Ive spend few days reading this topic but still need to ask u one thing. I own Essence One Muses and im thinking about Beyers 990. Thing is, guy at local store warned me that it would be better to buy 250ohm versions cuz my xonar is probably too weak to power 600 ohm versions (i...
  2. ian666

    Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread

    Hi guys I have Xonar Essence One Muses Edition dac. I heard this dac works great with HD650 (so is with my HD595) but is it worth to spend extra money for HD700 (its edge of my budget)?. Would u guys consider 700s a bigger step / wiser choice from 595 to pair with my dac?. Im also using...