Recent content by Hksvr4
  1. Hksvr4

    grado jumbo/g-cushions questions.

    ^^ he said I would return them. I didn't like the way they sounded on the GS1000k's. Even though they were made for them. It sounded like the music was far away. I almost think it takes away from the Grado's agressive nature.
  2. Hksvr4

    Need quick Grado advice..

    I would also agree with the RS-1's. The GS1000's is a totally different beast. I've hear both of them as well. I also have the same genre of music and find that the RS-1 will do a better job at it.
  3. Hksvr4

    Headphone Sightings 2

    Notice a girl with Grado's, in NYC, not sure which model. One thing for sure they were not the "I" versions. It had the flat cups with yellow senniheiser pads.
  4. Hksvr4

    Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2: with Grado HF2s

    Finished the campaign last night. Going to hit up the Multiplayer tonight. I couldn't agree more with the audio in this game. My system was working hard during some scenes. The explosions shook my seat(18" sub). The audio quality is top notch. Comment on MW2. I've played it since it was...
  5. Hksvr4

    Grado Cups Solution SR60i

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bilavideo I got good mileage out of taking the cups apart and lining the hard surfaces with cushioning to damp them. That included damping the rear side of the magnet plate and the rear side of the center button. I found it cut down on the resonance, tamed...
  6. Hksvr4

    seriously considering buying Grados

    Are you worried about hearing other things around you? Grado's are open back headphones which means people close to you can hear your music and vise versa.
  7. Hksvr4

    Grado Cups Solution SR60i

    Any one?
  8. Hksvr4

    Grado Cups Solution SR60i

    I did a search and did not find anything regarding the "i" cup solution. These are my first set of headphones. The “improved” series come with the bigger cups. Almost like mushrooms. I didn’t know this when I purchased them. What can I do with the cups? I prefer the older version. Should I cut...
  9. Hksvr4

    Monsters Dr Dre : Aren't they terrible?

    I've heard them in a bestbuy store and they had the Beats and Solos to try. I had my Grado 60i's to compare. The Beats didn't sound all that bad actually. The bass was not bloated. The mids were alittle lacking compared the Grado's. The highs were there. The Solo's sucked. They were terrible...
  10. Hksvr4

    Play Modern Warfare 2 with a Pair of Grado RS1's

    Quote: Originally Posted by vvaffles for which console? ps3 or xbox? Usually when they release new maps it's for both systems. Such as a game release the same day for both or all systems. That way, it's fair and not bias towards them.
  11. Hksvr4

    Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2: with Grado HF2s

    ^^ I couldn't agree more with that. COD4 was alot better than MW2. It was a well balanced game. For first person shooters COD series is the game everyone game wants to beat. That was the question I asked myself. How does BC2 feel compared to MW2? The controls, physics, and feel of MW2 is...
  12. Hksvr4

    Play Modern Warfare 2 with a Pair of Grado RS1's

    I don't know if this was discussed, but new maps are coming out at the end of the month.
  13. Hksvr4

    Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2: with Grado HF2s

    Quote: Originally Posted by swbf2cheater I have a question or two I would love answered. I am a MW2 fanboy, but I played BC2 for a few days online, and the Beta since it was released and I hated every moment. I feel CODMw2 VASTLY superior in every sense but visuals. Can someone...
  14. Hksvr4

    Battlefield 2 Bad Company 2: with Grado HF2s

    This is the only reason why I would get this game. I've played MW2 since it came out and the sound is a bit lacking especially the gun sounds. I've viewed videos on youtube and right away I can tell the dynamics of the sound in this game. The gun fire actually has an echo. That I thought was...