Recent content by HipPep
  1. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Ok, I'll go for PSB's only and not also Grados because they really seem what I'm searching for, then I'll write a conparision between them and M50x! Thank you everybody for your help!
  2. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Do you advise me to buy these? I was going to buy Soundmagic HP150 and I found PSB's... For 200 (that is the normal price for M4U 1) it also seems a great deal
  3. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    I noticed that PSB M4U 2 are at a huge price in Italy (200€)!!!!! What do you think about? They seem to be really good!
  4. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    EDIT: I changed my mind about AKG'S and now I'm seriously oriented to buy a pair of Soundmagic HP150 because I've read it's slightly better in almost everything. I still consider alternatives: I want to wait some like 3 days to place the order, so give me some help ahahah and tell me if I need...
  5. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    It's basically what I'm going to do :D What about the Amp/Dac? If listening by laptop should I buy a cheap one for Grados or Akg?
  6. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    I would still buy Grado's and Akg's both and then keep the best, so I'll probably buy also Akg's. So great: Grado's against Akg's. Now, another issue: should I buy a cheap AMP/DAC (from 50 to 100) like FiiO E10K? Which one between Grados and Akgs do require it? If I won't like Akg's and...
  7. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Oh yes with "no difference" I was referring to MKII version, I hadn't specified! However, what do you think about k550 mkii? Could be a good purchase?
  8. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    With "noise floor" you mean something like *bzzzz*? Because my laptop has no *bzzzz*.. however, i'll consider the Sennheiser's, thanks :)
  9. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Thank you for being patient and clear, I decided to buy Grado's and another pair of headphones that I'm going to choose soon, so I can return the one I don't like. Akg k553 are not avaiable in my country at a good price... is there a huge difference with k550? EDIT: there's no difference, so...
  10. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Mmmh I don't know what you exactly mean with *BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM* ahahahh i can try to explain what I listen to and how. First of all, Beats sound to me like "compressed" an low-detailed, so it's not a good choice. Then, if you don't mind, could you listen to some tracks? Just to make sure you...
  11. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Are they better than Momentum's? Because they are discribed in a similar way
  12. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    I've read great things about them, but are you sure they have no lack of bass and mid-bass?
  13. HipPep

    Don't like ATH-M50x... how to change them?

    Hi everybody. I recently bought a pair of ATH-M50x and to me they sound good, but not as much as I expected because of not so good mids, fatiguing higs in some songs and a terrible soundstage (truthfully it seems like they just forgot to test it). I decided to sell them and to try to buy...
  14. HipPep

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi everybody,I'm italian and new in the world of audio... hope I'll stay for a long time :)