Recent content by HIFIdmac
  1. HIFIdmac

    Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners

    So I'm looking to make a splash with Mr. Speaker's Alpha Dogs, and likely the Bifrost DAC..   But the amp, I was looking to maybe power speakers one day, and while the Emotiva Mini-X is my first choice right now, I'm debating going vintage.   There's a Kenwood KR-9600, SONY STR-6120, and...
  2. HIFIdmac

    MrSpeakers Alpha Dog Revealed! - The World's First Production 3D-Printed Headphones

    Hey, kind of a newbie looking to purchase a setup soon. I like the Mini X, but what do you use to connect the MDs to the amp?
  3. HIFIdmac

    MrSpeakers Alpha Dog Revealed! - The World's First Production 3D-Printed Headphones

    I'm about to buy either the Mad Dogs or the Alpha Dogs!   Anyone with experience want to talk about whether the $200 is easily heard, and in what way?
  4. HIFIdmac

    Here's $1500, steer me towards a setup!

    Yeah, I'm already sold on the NFB-28!   I'm just going to play the waiting game on the Alpha Dog reviews, but I think I've got a much better understanding now.   Cheers.
  5. HIFIdmac

    Here's $1500, steer me towards a setup!

    First, thanks so much for steering me towards Head-Fi approved products!   Let's say I intend on going to a stereo speaker setup, and I definitely want it balanced because those Alpha Dogs are probably the most appealing product I've ever read about, haha.   Which of the Audio-GD products...
  6. HIFIdmac

    Here's $1500, steer me towards a setup!

    I'm most concerned with getting the best sound for $1500.   I'd prefer speakers, but I'll probably delay that until I've got more to spend.   So yeah, let's say only headphones.   Thanks for reading and appreciate any input!
  7. HIFIdmac

    Here's $1500, steer me towards a setup!

    Oh, and probably over-ear...but I'll take all comers...
  8. HIFIdmac

    Here's $1500, steer me towards a setup!

    Good morning Head-Fiers...   I've decided to get back in the game and I'm hoping to do it right. Using my laptop as a source, I'm hoping to build a $1500 setup for my living room. I need EVERYTHING, headphones, amp, and whatever else you think is required.   My most common listens:   -...
  9. HIFIdmac

    Modest Mouse anyone?

    The Moon & Antarctica I love the new album too, but The Moon & Antarctica is perfect IMO. Good News is just not "violent" (I struggle for a better word) enough for me.
  10. HIFIdmac

    Any Elliott Smith fans?

    Elliott Smith is amongst my favourite artists of all time. Either/Or is in my top 5 favourite albums. Whenever I play him for someone who has never heard, they are always receptive and become fans quite quickly. I would consider him one of the most underrated artists ever IMO, and I...
  11. HIFIdmac

    Silly Poll: Greater Artist - The Beatles or Bob Dylan?

    Tough call. Dylan's lyrics have had a profound impact on my life and my perception of the world. The man is amazing. The Beatles have made so many great songs. I have about 300 of their live/recorded songs that I can put on shuffle with no fear of a bad song coming on. Anyone who says...
  12. HIFIdmac

    Would you NOT buy an iPod because of what they stand for?

    If you are inclined to answer "yes" to that statement, I think it has more to do with you wanting to go against the grain, rather than Apple being "mass produced eye candy". Their intuitive design and interface is what brought them success with the iPod. Their mass-production is only a result...
  13. HIFIdmac

    Plug An Artist

    Ray LaMontagne has one of the best voices I've ever heard, especially live. He's an acoustic/folk artist, with a very emotive voice.. Trouble is a great CD, but his live recordings really showcase his talent.. He has about 20-30 unreleased songs, all of which are among my favourite...