Recent content by HempKnight
  1. HempKnight

    Halo the Movie?

    Love it. Should be a great flic when it comes out. I think they started a halo movie some time ago but never went passed the initial trailer. Great to see someone has picked it up and finished it. 
  2. HempKnight

    Minecraft Prometheus Trailer

    Nice vid! I have been mining for a bit but on total miner forge on xbl. not as elaborate as minecraft but still fun. im into building only mostly because i never have any mates to play with =(
  3. HempKnight

    music you listen to while playing battlefield3?

    I either listen to rap like dogg pound or big pun or metal like dethklok or anything on this page =)
  4. HempKnight

    Sleeping to the beat: Name that one song

    Anything cafe del mar from '99-'03 and the album from the living sea imax film.. =)
  5. HempKnight

    Vespa GTS Audio system

    Hi I got a GTS an wanted to build a helmet box audio system. I was wondering if anyone has built something a like? I want to have either a head unit or auv in amp with 2 speaker and a sub powered by a 12v rechargeable bat. I found a few examples on the net but they all looked a bit crap.  ...