Recent content by Heavytrevy
  1. Heavytrevy

    which is among the best value for the money bluetootth speaker

    I would recommend the Definitive Tech Cube , it plays loud, over 10 hours batt life and puts out huge bass. Available in the low 200,s   Regards Trev
  2. Heavytrevy

    Sony MDR-7520

    Tone wise very much the same, very lifelike, the difference being the Sonys are not recessed , I dont really find the volume of the mids that different just the Denons mids are placed further in front creating a fantastic depth to the soundstage   The denons have about 1.5db more in the sub...
  3. Heavytrevy

    Sony MDR-7520

    My Denon 2000's are exactly that after 1000 odd hours :-)
  4. Heavytrevy

    Sony MDR-7520

    Received my 7520's yesterday. First impressions sounding really boxed in and lacking  treble extension compared to my Denon 2000's.    Not as comfy as the Denons but much lighter and smaller. These Sony's could be the ultimate in portable cans.   Will update as I burn these suckers in  ...
  5. Heavytrevy

    Sony MDR-7520

    Ive just placed an order with BH & Photo for a set of MDR 7520 Hopefully a good upgrade from my Denon D2000. Had a quick listen to my brothers MDR 7509HD on the weekend, such a nice midrange with detailed highs, If it had more bass it could be the perfect set of cans. Hopefully the new Sonys...
  6. Heavytrevy

    Cowon D2 plus still worth buying?

    My D2 and Denon d2000 make a fantastic combo. Long battery life and Flac capability are big plus Trev
  7. Heavytrevy

    Headphones for Music Recording

    My brother has mixed for years with Sony MDR-7509 much better than the 7906 in the mids / treble and soundstage failing that the DT 150 's are the go . Trev
  8. Heavytrevy

    D2000 treble/highs vs ....(see inside)

    its def a burn in thing :-) out of the box my 2000's were shrill and lacked bass. Im around the 400 hour mark now and they are perfect. Btw they came good around the 100hour mark. I found the 2000 to be slightly sterile compared to the 5000's there def alittle warmer but not much . Hope...
  9. Heavytrevy

    Any Headphone fans in Australia?

    Goldcoaster here ive got D2000 denons AT ad900 and some UE pro5's BTW the Denons smash all my other phones Regards, Trev
  10. Heavytrevy

    iriver H320 line-out worse/better than cowon D2 headphone out ?

    Just recently i have brought a D2, All i can say is wow! i upgraded from a k3 samsung which i thought sounded pretty good. i have tried my ue pro's , my ad900's and by far the best is the denon d2000. The d2 paired with the d2000 is a great combo, its got plenty of power to drive them...