Music; health and legal issues; canines; flashlights and pocket knives.
Headphone Inventory
Senn 800S, 660S2, 650, 600, 58x Jubilee; Moondrop Aria; Final E4000, E2000; 1More Triple; Marshall Mode; HiFiMan RE-400, RE-600; Westone 1; Shure SE 215; RHA MA 750i; Klipsch X10; SoundMagic E 80; Koss KSC-35, Koss KSC-75; Yuin PK-2; Monk Plus
Headphone Amp Inventory
Schiit Jotunheim2, Bifrost2; Headroom MOH-Reference; Headroom Ultra Desktop Amp and Desktop Power Supply; Bryston BP25 preamp with outstanding built-in headamp; Dongles -- Moondrop Dawn and Dawn Pro; iFi GO link; THX Onyx Portable DAC Headphone Amplifier
Source Inventory
iPad Pro 10.5, iPad Mini6; iPhone 14 Pro Max; Arcam FMJ 23 CDP
Cable Inventory
Mostly Kimber Hero, with Cardas on the Senn 650s and Cardas 4-pin XLMs on the 800S
Power-Related Components
Odyssey Khartago Extreme 2- channel amp
Other Audio Equipment
Audioengine A2 speakers; Sangean WR-3 and Boston Acoustics Recepter table radios; and CCrane CC Pocket Radio.
Music Preferences
Female vocals and piano music dominate an eclectic collection.
Thinkpads! iPad Mini; ZebraLight flashlights; fedoras


Desktop Violectric V222; Schiit Jotunheim 2, Bifrost 2/64; Thinkpad P73 w 1 TB SSD and 16 GB;
Big Rig: Headroom Ultra Desktop Amp and Desktop Power Supply
Headphones: Senn 800S, 660S2, 650, 600, 58x Jubilee;
IEMS: Simgot EW 200, Moondrop Aria, Final e4000, e2000; HiFiMan RE-400, RE-600
Mobile Sources iPhone 15 Pro Max, Xs Max, iPad Mini 6, iPad Pro 10.5

