Recent content by Halo003
  1. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Those are in great condition, wow.
  2. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    So I started work on getting the 2.5mm jacks mounted in the cups tonight. There is a slight clearance issue. What options do I have? Replace the jacks? Or would it be okay to trim the plastic retention ring there to allow them to fit? My concern is that doing that would result in a drastic...
  3. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    I wanted to update with an answer to my own question...   The Jotunheim is awesome with the D2000. I feel like it really brings out the low and high ends the D2000 can produce, you can get some of the IMAX type rumble out in some songs, such as the Interstellar soundtrack. I threw the dice and...
  4. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    The RNHP looks nice, never heard of it before. I assume based on design it's more of a pro level item?   Another idea I'm looking at is a Schiit Jotunheim w/ DAC module, rather than the Modi/Magni U stack setup. Any thoughts on that? 
  5. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Two quick questions for you boys;   1. Does wire size matter? The wire I got is tiny, I think 1.2mm diameter. 2. What DAC/Amp combo would you recommend for D2000/HD 598 with future usage being LCD-XC/HD 800? I was heavily considering a Schiit Uber stack but have heard a lot of bad things...
  6. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Good call, I'll keep that in mind.   I ordered some of the tiny Hifiman female SMC jacks and plugs, some OCC silver wire, from Ebay sources, then also got a pair of 2.5mm Eidolic plugs, a 3.5mm plug, and an Eidolic Y splitter from DHC. I will see if I'd prefer the 2.5mm setup or the screw in...
  7. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Well last week I finally went ahead and ordered the Mr Speakers pads. Personally, I love them. I find them to be extremely comfortable, and with the real leather I'm hoping to not have any flaking issues in the future. I will say it was mildly terrifying getting them onto the Denon mounting...
  8. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    That looks awesome, how'd you get the female connectors? I only see male connectors on the MrSpeakers site.    Also looking for ideas on a new headband, ideally a real leather one to prevent flaking in the future.   Quote:   Thanks! I wasn't sure which would fit since some of them to me...
  9. Halo003

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Hey guys, I used to lurk HF a lot, but I haven't been on here in a long time.   To put it simply, I have a D2000 that I got in I think 2010 or so, new in box at the time. They've gone through some of high school, and almost all of college now. However, this has taken a serious toll on their...
  10. Halo003

    New on HeadFi, looking for the best lossless player

    Thanks! Bookmarked.   Though I agree, that is pricey. Maybe CDs is the cheapest route? 
  11. Halo003

    New on HeadFi, looking for the best lossless player

    Also I'm curious about the best place to buy FLAC audio. I know I can buy CD's and rip them as lossless, which I have done, but if I can keep it on my Google cloud for example that would be awesome.
  12. Halo003

    New on HeadFi, looking for the best lossless player

    No plans to get rid of the D2000's. I like them too much. Though I would love to get them recabled with a 6ft cable, wood cups from Lawton Audio and get new pads as well.
  13. Halo003

    New on HeadFi, looking for the best lossless player

    Hi there, I'm not really fully acquainted to HF forums yet, been lurking a while though. I was hoping you guys could point me in the right direction on the best player to play lossless FLACs. I've been using Foobar 2000 so far. I am happy with it's performance, but I'm not as happy about the...