Recent content by h0ng
  1. h0ng

    so, i noticed my tinntinus...

    Quote: Originally Posted by headcleaner I have tinnitus, have had it since 1995. I've always been very protective of my ears, always wore earplugs on concerts etc. A bad cold set off my tinnitus. Now I always hear ringing, and when I get a cold I get hypersensitive, everything is too...
  2. h0ng

    so, i noticed my tinntinus...

    yup, you can definitely blame the long duration of loud music causing tinnitus. It is highly recommended that you do what Skylab has suggested in his post above, nothing over 80dB and your guaranteed lifetime headphone listening. My mistake was that after a night at the clubs, the next night I...
  3. h0ng

    so, i noticed my tinntinus...

    with everything in life, theres always danger, like money to the OP, Im pretty sure the permanent ringing has been caused by your new headphones. How I know? It happened to me, a night of clubbing followed by the next night of listening to my headphones for 2hrs around 80-90db peak (ratshack...
  4. h0ng

    Aggravating tinnitus?

    I guess some frequencies that are prominent with the use of the amp might of "awaken" your tinnitus? Just a thought. I do know that putting on my DT770 and using them to listen to music at the lowest volume triggers a ringing sensation in my head. However, funny thing is, I decided to play the...
  5. h0ng

    YOU are the reason I can't buy my 26" widescreen

    Quote: Originally Posted by spraggih Thanks ought to be given. Suppose you bought a new TV... and then you take it home and the picture is just OK... Then you realize you need a new DVD player - $200 or so Then you need a HD box (assuming you do not have on already) - $9 / month...
  6. h0ng

    Going to completely redesign my audio PC, would like your help

    If you are going for that Silverstone case, I heard that there are 80mm Yate Loon fans that are supposedly great for quietness, dont know about the cooling potential of it though. Besides that, have you thought about the CPU cooler and Power Supply? As they do have an affect on the overall...
  7. h0ng

    Convert RAID back to single driver?

    as the above have mentioned, back up whatever onto an external hard drive or burn important files. Reason being is that data on Raid 0 are "stripped" and you cant copy or re-arrange files within a hard drive on such setup (Not with windows anyway). Theres no point in having half the file If...
  8. h0ng

    Ringing in my ears has gotten horrible

    I find myself sleeping way better if there is zero lighting in my room and no sound! Despite having the tinnitus, I actually prefer a silent background for sleep and I just try to dream myself to sleep (if that makes sense). After an appointment with the ENT, I feel a bit more relieved about...
  9. h0ng

    Ringing in my ears has gotten horrible

    Quote: Originally Posted by patschreyer I have the same thing, but it doesn't really bother me. It's not really loud... my laptop fan doesn't drown it out but typing does. It really doesn't bother me unless I'm concious of it... should I see a doctor? I thought this was normal...
  10. h0ng

    Ringing in my ears has gotten horrible

    Best of luck to you. I just visited my doc a few min. ago and sadly there seems to be no earwax build up or an infection causing the tinnitus, therefore it seems like my tinnitus is there for life. Im goin to see an ENT Specialist tomorrow morning so Ill wait for their final say on my problem.
  11. h0ng

    Ringing in my ears has gotten horrible

    Yup, I've also done some damage to my ears. Went out clubbing on the weekend, ears have been taken a beating at the dam loud speakers, wake up the next day didnt think it was prominent so I used the Beyer DT770/80 for 2-3 hrs at about 80-90db at the night (measured using RS SPL Meter), took them...
  12. h0ng

    Show us your Desktop / Workspace

    Quote: Originally Posted by Snake Eh, no problem Thaddy (from me). We're all friendly here, just wanna keep it that way, right? The washing machine in the back is one of my printers. The 3 printers, scanner, USB services and ISP are all wireless, so that's why you only see the 1...
  13. h0ng

    Any FPS Gamer switch to LCD?

    another owner of a Dell 2405FPW. I WAS an avid gamer but gave it up because I couldnt afford new parts for the latest games *back then CS was cool, now.....* Anyways, before owning the Dell LCD, I was running a Mitsubishi 19" Aperture Grille CRT. Running games off that monitor was smooth and...
  14. h0ng

    Beyerdynamic DT770 (old version) First Impressions From A Non-audiophile

    Quote: Originally Posted by Skylab Welcome to TEAM DT770's RULE!!!! I'm a very happy member of the DT770 Fanboy/Groupie club. DT770 owners have been scientifically proven to be happier than those of any other headphone Yup, when I got these cans I was definitely happy, just...