Recent content by gregoryk
  1. gregoryk

    Joe Grado HP1000 modifications

    I hope you're kidding.
  2. gregoryk

    Joe Grado HP1000 modifications

    This was my first post, so I thank you for being gentle in your response.  I've had my HP2's since 1990.  They have thousands of hours of very respectful use.  I voiced the Holmes Powell DCT headphone amp with these cans back in 1993.  I don't sense the 2-3 K shout everyone keeps talking about...
  3. gregoryk

    Joe Grado HP1000 modifications

    The six set screws used to remove the driver are critical to the performance of the HP 2.  When you removed the drivers, you removed the screws.  Do you have any idea how tight any of those screws were?  When you replaced the drivers, I'm sure you were careful to cross tighten as well as apply...
  4. gregoryk

    Holmes Powell Contact?

    I am whats left of Holmes Powell.  It was a project conceived by the heart, for the heart.  I was the catalyst for the project and inlisted the help of my brilliant friends Garth Powell, and Ron Holmes.  The name is of course homage to them both.  I did the physical design, voicing of the many...
  5. gregoryk

    Holmes Powell DCT 2

    One of the 10 Holmes Powell DCT's may be available.  Anyone?
  6. gregoryk

    Holmes Powell

    I was just taking a stroll down memory lane when I ran across your post.  I am Holmes Powell ( the company ) and I would be happy to discuss any and all aspects of the DCT 2 as you wish.  FYI only 10 amps were lovingly hand built.  Two went to JVC Disc, and the rest to individual owners.  You...