gregorio's latest activity
  • gregorio
    gregorio reacted to VNandor's post in the thread Apodizing filter with Like Like.
    To spell out the difference between aliasing and imaging in more of layman's terms: Aliasing is what could happen during recording when...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    Think about that for a minute, what is the bandwidth of that pink noise you’ve generated at 44.1kFs/s? …. So, as there is no signal...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    Exactly, but of course that’s the analogue output of the device, not sound. If you have jitter artefacts at say -115dB (roughly that of...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    Right, so the “Main” differences at a reasonable listening level is 1. A significantly better reconstruction filter (actually...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    There’s no answer to that question, or rather there’s no one answer. What a particular apodizing filter actually does is only known by...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    When I compared a Ford Fiesta (metallic blue) and a Ferrari 430 (red), I preferred the performance of the Ferrari. They both measure...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    Sure but I’m trying to ascertain why “a properly mastered/produced track with no content above Nyquist” is a way to remove ringing or...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    If you had a poor ADC filter, then the ultrasonic content would be aliased back into the audible spectrum and therefore obviously be...
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    I’m curious, how do you make an improperly mastered/produced track that does have content above Nyquist? G
  • gregorio
    gregorio replied to the thread Apodizing filter.
    The “point of it” is pretty much the biggest point in audiophile digital audio products these days, marketing! Much of the modern...
  • gregorio
    You're the one who started this argument and then continued it even in the face of reliable evidence (from an encyclopaedia), with no...
  • gregorio
    You didn’t need to say it, you demonstrated it. What “things”, presumably not online encyclopaedias? lol. G
  • gregorio
    So that’s a “No” then to both of my questions, even though I provided you the link. That’s funny lol! G
  • gregorio
    “"Science doesn't know everything" (also "Science can't explain X") is an argument that asserts that, because of science's lack of...
  • gregorio
    This goes back to what I stated previously; in the vast majority of cases the technical people/engineers are doing the best they can...