Recent content by gregjp48
  1. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule That's when I stopped reading (a slight exaggeration). You should try out the 5 Pro in this case, since the Vibes de-tune all percussion instruments to kingdom come, and the 5 Pro almost follows that same path, albeit with the...
  2. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    Quote: Originally Posted by pez No, don't get CX300's, those can't be better than the D-jays at all, they're mud monsters. Many, people say that the Ety's are cold and analytical, but I like them. I thought the same thing as you at first, but I got them anyways and fell in love with...
  3. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    Quote: Originally Posted by pez It definitely sounds like you would like the Ety's...or maybe even the 3's, but I'm still saying Ety's for you. Don't throw away the jays though...I mean, if you do, throw 'em this way :P. the only thing about the etys is that I don't have...
  4. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    i already said that my dislike for the isolation was a personal thing, not a problem with the jays i did take out the filters, so that's not the problem. the sound isn't horrible. I just don't feel like there's a good amount of highs, and the bass feels more thumpy and pillowy than defined...
  5. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    my eq is flat. My sources are my ibook, my ipod touch, and my previous ipod 4G. I've also tried them with my friend's ipod nano, as well as numerous other mp3 players. I've already stated i've never played it from a headphone amp.
  6. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    Quote: Originally Posted by earfanatic I think You should have take more time than a few days to get used to them, like with all new phones. But what You feel, is what you feel. So probably You did right if You weren't happy with them. I use the q-jays, never heard the d-jays, but...
  7. gregjp48

    Am I the only one unhappy with my d-jays?

    Okay so since I've bought my d-jays *(edit: a few months ago)*, I've had this nagging doubt about them, but I didn't listen to myself and return them the first few days I had them and I regret doing so. The sound is the most important part, so I'll start with that. The bass is muddy and...
  8. gregjp48

    d-jays sound after being serviced

    wow. just wow. I am extremely stupid. I had two filters in each; why, I don't know. Well I can hear the highs now, but the lows still seem uncharacteristically boomy. They used to be really tight, and I could hear the bassline of Hotel California (which I tend to use for earphone testing...
  9. gregjp48

    d-jays sound after being serviced

    i'll change the filters again just to be sure, and then i'll contact jays. Sending them to sweeden again is not going to be fun. Does the ipod touch have inferior audio quality? I've heard it's not as good as the 5th gen. I absolutely love how it works though. I've also heard that since the...
  10. gregjp48

    d-jays sound after being serviced

    Hey fellow head-fiers It's been a while since I posted asking about a pair of iems to buy, and ended up deciding on the d-jays. Well, since then, I've been fairly happy with my Jays. However, the right ear lost sound, so I sent them into Jays to be serviced. When they came back, the sound...
  11. gregjp48

    where to get d-jays tips/ what foam tips to use with d-jays?

    I recently found one of the S sized tips on my d-jays torn in my pocket, so I'm in need of new tips. The problem is if I order them from, there's an outrageous shipping price of 45-100 dollars to the US. Are their any reatailers from which I could order them from? Alternatively, will...
  12. gregjp48

    new to iems - fit advice?

    Quote: Originally Posted by PetCed Hi! The earcanals are very individual. We will have great foam sleeves available within a month or two. That may be what you are looking for. at least then I would know I was getting a good fit. I live in teh us though, and had to order from...
  13. gregjp48

    new to iems - fit advice?

    okay, so i have these d-jays that i've been trying out for a couple weeks from headroom, and I like the sound. However, it sounds a little muffled at times, bass is not at all lacking, it's more like a treble roll off, that i usually compensate for by adjusting my ipod's eq to jazz, or rock, or...
  14. gregjp48

    Covers better than the originals...

    Quote: Originally Posted by sonicfox Mony Mony - Billy Idol I second that.
  15. gregjp48

    Covers better than the originals...

    guns n' roses' rendition of live and let die imho is better than the mccartney original