Recent content by greasyelbows
  1. G

    Topping A90

    Has anyone tried a k340 with the a90 before? Running mine off a Project Ember right now, not at all unsatisfied but I'm curious as to how it'd go with the a90, esp with the balanced output.
  2. G

    Connect LG G7 to a tube amplifier?

    Hi, did you ever try this? I'm considering doing the same
  3. G

    Repairing M1060c's

    That's good to know! If I won't damage it by doing this then at least I have the option to keep doing my temporary fixes.
  4. G

    Repairing M1060c's

    Hi all, I bought a pair of secondhand Monoprice M1060c's. The one driver occasionally goes dead after not being used for a while. In order to get it work, I have to turn the volume way up (max vol. on O2 amp, high gain, max on source LG G7 source and sometimes adding pre-amp on LG G7 USB Audio...
  5. G

    AKG K702 vs AKG Sextett LP

    Hi all. I'm snagging a K702, unopened, at a super good price, and I'm wondering what to do with it. I'm currently using an AKG Sextett LP off an E07k/E09k, and enjoying it a lot, but I'm really curious about these k702's. I've tried very few headphones, and I hear the k702's are a really...