Recent content by gre0
  1. gre0

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    A pico, a proper power adapter for the pico, and two cans of ubuntu cola.
  2. gre0

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    Quote: Originally Posted by milagu One of deez! Ocean7 LM-2: Perspective Congrats, a very nice watch! The Ti bracelet for the LM-2 series just makes you want it so bad! I am lusting for the PVD GMT version ( If he...
  3. gre0

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by nano Does anyone have any idea of how long it will take for a PICO to arrive at my doorstep if i sign op now? Just approximatly, 1month or like 5month? And what color is this? Gray? Yes.
  4. gre0

    Clickclickclick. Click-click. Repeat.

    Quote: Originally Posted by G-man that doesnt work for me Hmm, sure you do not have javascript disabled somehow? Do you get the text when you hover the mouse over the button?
  5. gre0

    Clickclickclick. Click-click. Repeat.

    D'oh. While looking at the code for the page, I discovered that you can double-click the "There are new posts" icon in front of the name of forum with unread items to mark the forum and its' contents read. That is to say, exactly what I was looking for.
  6. gre0

    Clickclickclick. Click-click. Repeat.

    Quote: Originally Posted by ppxnouse If you are logged in calling Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio - Powered by vBulletin should mark all sales forums as read. Depending on the browser you might be able to add a add-on the has hotkeys to call URLs Hm...
  7. gre0

    Clickclickclick. Click-click. Repeat.

    Does anyone know a faster way of marking a whole forum as read than choosing "Forum Tools" > "Mark This Forum Read"? Particularly when I am watching the Sale/Trade forums for particular items I tend to check them quite often, and I would save a lot of mouse clicks if there was a hotkey or a...
  8. gre0

    Post the last thing you bought. Oh fun!

    Head-Fi noob, got my first pair of hd650s in the mail today, and am listening to them now. It's astounding how much of my music I've never actuallly heard before.. Next up is upgrading my old pa2v2 to something more fitting. I'm in line for the pico, but I'm lurking the trade forums for...
  9. gre0

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XII]

    Quote: Originally Posted by mod_stuart 16GB iPhone 3G > Qables Silver interconnects > RSA Predator > Allesandro MS2. Really nice picture, and veryvery nice gear. Welcome!
  10. gre0

    Amp and headphones needed for 4 tasks

    Luminette has had up for sale, now at $420 incl US shipping, probably a little more to the UK. I have not tried the combination myself, but what I have read has been positive. Also, you would not have to wait for 3-5 months in line for...
  11. gre0

    DAc for ipod in car

    There are no digital audio out pins in the iPod dock connector (see Apple iPod and iPhone dock interfaces pinout and signals @ As a previous poster said, you would need a usb host (computer) to get at the file system and read the music file data. If anyone has heard of a...
  12. gre0

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XII]

    Last week with the old gear.. Hopefully I will not miss it very much.. iPod nano g1 > pa2v2 > Ultrasone HFI-2000G
  13. gre0

    HeadAmp Pico Portable Amp (w/ optional upsampling 24/96 USB DAC) Pre-Order Thread

    Please disregard this order, I have since found and bought a used pico. Thanks! /gre0 Hi Justin, Please add me to the Pico pre-order list. - Pico with USB DAC - Color: all black - USB cable length: 6 feet Thanks, gre0