Recent content by gojira_matt
  1. gojira_matt

    Yet another CMoy problem thread

    Oh kvant, you're a wizard. Of course I had my pot wired incorrectly, and of course I've always wired them incorrectly. And that must have been where the hiss was coming from as well, because it's gone too. Thanks very much.
  2. gojira_matt

    Yet another CMoy problem thread

    First of all, apologies to be creating yet another cmoy thread. I've now built three of the buggers, and yet there is always something that seems to need tweaking/could be better. The latest one is almost exactly to Tangent's instructions, but with bigger caps and a gain of 6. If anyone could...
  3. gojira_matt

    Simple(er) CMoy

    I've just had a look at your extended gallery Fred, and it is very impressive. Actually, the reason why I was originally asking about the possibility of a simpler cmoy was because I was considering attempting to put one into an eclipse mint tin, and I see you've already done it... but I guess...
  4. gojira_matt

    Simple(er) CMoy

    Nice one Fred... that looks really neat. Mine have had had to have a fair bit more wiring than that thus far, but that was the kind of thing I was thinking of.
  5. gojira_matt

    Simple(er) CMoy

    Thanks for the advice. The pot and the switching jack look like nice parts, but they seem to be a bit harder to come by here in Australia... Mouser obviously has them, but their shipping is quite expensive for hobbyists like me. I'll have to see if I can do some split shipping with people...
  6. gojira_matt

    Simple(er) CMoy

    I'm wondering how one would go about making a very simple cmoy (even simpler than the standard cmoy!) without a switch, whereby it would automatically turn on when the input and output jacks had jacks in them, like the Fii0 does. And while I'm here, could one use 1/2 W reistors rather than...
  7. gojira_matt

    Weird Cmoy bug

    Thank you for your replies... I ended up having some other issues with the CMoy (it was my first) so I salvaged the bits, started again, and built a second which seems to be working perfectly. I think I shall have to put the last one's weird behaviour down to a personality disfunction (and poor...
  8. gojira_matt

    Weird Cmoy bug

    So, I have completed my first CMoy, and it is now nestled in a lovely Japanese sakura-tea tin, and it makes my Head Direct RE2s sound surprisingly good. The only thing is that every second time I turn it on (using the switch) it makes the sound distort and drastically reduces the sound quality...
  9. gojira_matt

    Cmoy help - R1 resistors heating up

    Yup, that's exactly what I meant... 4.7k ohms. So many potential mistakes for a complete newbie!
  10. gojira_matt

    Cmoy help - R1 resistors heating up

    Stupid, stupid me. I thought I had checked the resistors ever so carefully, but of course I hadn't done it carefully enough. I had 47 ohm resistors in at R1 instead of 4.7 ohm resistors... I assume that would cause them to heat up? Next time I'll check more carefully before I post...
  11. gojira_matt

    Cmoy help - R1 resistors heating up

    Hello, I'm a newbie attempting a cmoy, and have soldered everything on, and done my first test, with the sound coming through loud and clear. The only issue is that the R1 resistors seem to be getting hot when I plug in the battery, although nothing else seems to be getting hot (some...
  12. gojira_matt

    Cmoy - C2 alternative capacitors

    Aha fordgtlover, that's exactly what I wanted. Thank you for the link.
  13. gojira_matt

    Cmoy - C2 alternative capacitors

    Thanks for your replies, I just wanted to clarify: Fallen angel, are you saying that I can dispense with the C2 caps completely? Or that I should use some, but not the ones Tangent recommends, or the ones I have now got - ie go and pick up any 0.1 µF cap irrespective of whether it is...
  14. gojira_matt

    Cmoy - C2 alternative capacitors

    I am about to embark upon my first Cmoy, and have assembled almost all of the parts, but I forgot to order the C2 capacitors (0.1 µF polypropylene film cap (large!)* according to Mr Tangent) and have picked up a couple of caps that I was wondering if I could use instead. They are 0.1 µF...
  15. gojira_matt

    Recabling Shure SE2s

    Hello grizzled Head-fi veterans, I am a complete newbie looking for advice, proabably just like all the other complete newbies. I had a pair of Shure E2cs which started developing cable trouble just after the warranty ran out, (where the cable connected to the right headphone) and decided...