Recent content by gnewcomer@strate
  1. gnewcomer@strate

    DIY newbie, cMoy help

    Hmmm... looks like I misplaced my dunce cap, eh? OPA2227 are burr-browns...*smacks head repeatedly.* I think what I meant to say, and what I think you managed to read despite my error, is that I like the 2227 much more than the 132/134 chips. Regards, G.N.
  2. gnewcomer@strate

    DIY newbie, cMoy help

    I'll second the 2227... great op-amp, and a little brighter than the burr browns, which is good if you're using senn cans... -G.N.
  3. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Bradjudy That's awsome! Good work. What type of epoxy did you use? Also, how did you keep the pins in a constant position? I know you used a clay mold, as we've been discussing, but did you just push the soldered pins into the clay, and pray it came out right, or was there some other fixative...
  4. gnewcomer@strate

    Looking for premium resistors

    Anybody try Caddock Resistors? Wow are they ever spendy... $5-$7 EACH! However... are they any good? I.E. Any better than the RN55s, or are they just audiophile bait, like the $400 wooden volume knob? Regards, Sermon
  5. gnewcomer@strate

    Pimeta uses Elpac ... which model?

    That's the model you want. I went looking for one about two weeks ago when I built my Pimeta, and found them VERY hard to find. I read everything in a thread on possible alternatives, and no one has particularily solid advice. In short, you won't find them at mouser, and I don't think you'll...
  6. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Dinobite: Yes, the Y is the shell from a canare f-12 minijack. The shell comes off just by unscrewing it from the jack. I don't know if you saw this post, but I've updated my cable: Instead of full thickness mogami w/ tecflex covering on both cables above the y-split, I've gone to a...
  7. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Ooooo..... Milling machine have I. Emon, I'll have to give a whack at milling out a plug mold. As you note, the hard part may be finding the small bits. If such a solution would work, there is one further issue: Does anyone know the specs of those little gold plugs themselves? It would be...
  8. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Here's something I found. I'm sure it's not news to many, but it was news to me! An excellent explaination of how to solder the stock cable ends of Senn cables, so you don't have to rip open the plug.... and it also tells why the stock wires are...
  9. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Mono: I've considered this too... A couple of problems: 1: Pop the screen off your senns, and look at the connection... it's completely encased in molded carbon-fiber... to get at it, you might SERIOUSLY destroy your cans. 2: If you did succeed, and someday wanted to recable again, each...
  10. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    BradJudy: Awesome that you tried the mold idea! So... I take it that now the DIY plugs you've created actually 'click' into place with a mechanical connection to the headphone cup, as opposed to just using the resistance of the pin-jacks to hold the cable on? Anyways, thanks for realizing some...
  11. gnewcomer@strate

    Preparing for Pimeta ??

    Hmmmm, some musings: First, it sounds like you want portable.... That likely means not stacking buffers, and not using high draw op-amps like the 627s. I have the 8620/10 setup and single buffers in mine (although I understand the 8620 may not be best for the Etys) and I get about 5-6 hours of...
  12. gnewcomer@strate

    Pumped up CMOY in Izmir Stinger Tin....

    Threw this together over the last few days... CMOYs are so bloody hard, you know? However, they are good medicine... I learned a ton from the first, more from the second, and with the third, I actually understand some of how the circuit works on an electrical level. The Camel tin is just the...
  13. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Wow! I'm glad this thread has generated a great discussion on plug fabrication, since this seems to be the crux move in recabling the senns. SuperGonzo: Congratulations on getting your plugs pluggable! How did you do it with just heatshrink? Got any pictures? Emon: Thanks for a great...
  14. gnewcomer@strate

    Senn 600's Recabled with Mogami Neglex (pics)

    Quote: Originally Posted by BradJudy I like this idea. I might have to try it with the pigtail Senn plug group buy ones I have sitting around. 1. make mold of plug with modeling clay 2. cut away part of plug 3. clamp pins in vice to hold position 4. melt away remaining plug 5...
  15. gnewcomer@strate

    First PIMETA completed [Pics]

    Nice to see those caps enjoying some more use... congrats on the build! Good work with the soldering... I find there's something rhythmically satisfying about pounding out good solder joints, but that may be just WAY too dorky for words. Isn't it amazing when you flip that switch....and..... it...