Recent content by GhostTedd
  1. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    Bought this UD125 last week, great sounding towards warm sound signature, have yet to differentiate amongst the different filters setting. Totally in love with it
  2. GhostTedd

    Stoner Acoustics EGD (DAC) + EGA (AMP) Stack

    EGD + EGA + HD600 = Sweet. This is just awesome sounding, the sound separation is really amazing. I could hear more details than I could previously hear in some of my favourite songs and for once I thought I were hallucinating. hehe. I am tingling with excitement.  and thumbs up for Stoner...
  3. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    Yes, indeed. The new form factor is much better than UD100 and UD110 in heat shrink wrap previously. UD120 looks classy to me in black plastic housing. The sound is crispier compared to UD110. I totally love it.
  4. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    OK, I will check it out with an Android Phone, those with OTG should work, I have tested UD110 before with a XiaoMi3 Android Phone, it works.
  5. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    UD120 took 1 day to reach me after the seller sent it out. What is Sq?
  6. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    I've just received my UD120. I am going to try it out.  
  7. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    qafro, I got it from China, it is unhinged type tin box.
  8. GhostTedd

    Please help in getting a vocal centric headphone

    Gathering cash now to add in HD600 soon in my headphone list, hehe.
  9. GhostTedd

    Please help in getting a vocal centric headphone

    Cool, I hope you would get it soon, hehe. HD600 is in my 'must get' headphones list.
  10. GhostTedd

    Please help in getting a vocal centric headphone

    Thank you all very much for the suggestions. My preference would be very much on open cans. I have recently tried Sennheiser HD600 with my set up, it has a truly amazing vocal reproduction. I am totally in love with HD600.
  11. GhostTedd

    Please help in getting a vocal centric headphone

    Thank you so much for your suggestion. I need to find a chance to try this K712 Pro with my amp's set up.
  12. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    I am sorry but I have not come to know anyone who wants to sell their UD110 at the moment. I am from Malaysia.
  13. GhostTedd

    Tiny DAC, Big Sound, Evolved – Stoner Acoustics UD100 / UD110 / UD120

    I am currently a happy user of UD110, very clean sound with great clarity. I am looking forward to the release of UD120.