Recent content by FortySix&2
  1. FortySix&2

    Do the V-moda Vibes fit in the iPhone?

    I've seen the redesign and I've heard of the Duos, but I have heard conflicting info online about whether or not the vibes will fit. So I figured what better place than head-fi to settle the dispute. Come on...there has to be someone here with vibes and and iPhone.
  2. FortySix&2

    Do the V-moda Vibes fit in the iPhone?

    I haven't been to this site in a while, so this might have been answered in the past... I have a pair of the first gen vibes, and was just wondering if anyone has experience with them fitting into the iPhone jack?
  3. FortySix&2

    Just talked to a self-proclaimed "audiophile"

    On a Bose-positive note, the Triport IE's seem to be getting quite a good rep from people that have actually taken the time to try them out. Maybe the person you talked to had trolled this forum, found the 8 page Triport IE thread, and...
  4. FortySix&2

    Bose Triport IE's - impressions from users

    The biggest comparison that I'm looking for is these IE's compared to the new Vibes? They are the same price, and they each the type of headphone I'm looking for. I just picked up a pair of the Bose IE's at Best Buy, unfortunately there is nowhere local to try out the Vibes. Anyone have a...
  5. FortySix&2

    V Moda Vibes vs. Etymotic ER6i

    So the vibes would have the solid bass of the Sony/Creative/Cx300? That's good, but do they carry more detail than those listed? The etys are extremely accurate, but more for critical listening. It is really hard to get into the music and really enjoy it with the etys/IM (for me anyways)...
  6. FortySix&2

    V Moda Vibes vs. Etymotic ER6i

    I'm also very interested in this, as I just gave up on a pair of im616's. I'm hoping the vibes have better bass response and less of the stark high's of the im616's. Anyone have a comparison of the vibes to the etys/ALs?
  7. FortySix&2

    Favorite canalphone of the moment

    Circuit City carries them in black...and since no one seems to shop there they are always in stock. Best Buy and Walmart carry them, but I've never seen any black ones, just the colored ones. These headphones caused me to return my AL im616's and give my ex71's to my girlfriend. On the...
  8. FortySix&2

    V-moda Vibes... The review is finished. (56k beware, big pics...)

    How would you compare these, specifically the bass response/output, to the Altec Lansing im616 or Etymotic er6i's? I've been using a set of im616's for a couple weeks now, but I'm planning on returning them as I prefer an IEM/canalphone with better bass response. Also, I compared the bass...