Recent content by Fireblade
  1. Fireblade

    Longer Cable for IE8s?

    Are there any longer cables available for the IE8s? Or maybe a good 1/8" extension cable? My wife would like to listen to them on her computer sometimes, but the 1.2m cable that comes with it isn't quite long enough.
  2. Fireblade

    CD-3000 Broken Headband

    The headband on one side of my CD-3000's snapped about a week ago. It looks like the metal piece just wore through the seams on the leather. I tried to hold it together with scotch tape, but that didn't last. I took them to an authorized Sony repair shop, but they informed me that they'd have to...
  3. Fireblade

    CD 3000 Repair

    San Diego, I'm afraid. Thanks for the offer, though =) I'll ask around the office and see if anyone has the tools and know-how for it.
  4. Fireblade

    CD 3000 Repair

    Hmm, I don't have any soldering tools. You're saying to just cut the plug off of the cord and attach a new one? Is it relatively easy to do? Are there any web resources you know of that I could research it? I don't want to cause even more damage somehow. Sony said it would be a minimum $58...
  5. Fireblade

    CD 3000 Repair

    My CD 3000's were plugged into a computer soundcard when my friend spun in his chair, yanking them out. The mini plug was severely bent. I tried to just straighten it with some pliers, but it didn't work (could only get sound out of one speaker). I brought them to a local repair shop which...
  6. Fireblade

    CD 3000 Problem

    Thanks for replying, Raif. The computer is playing FLAC files, not MP3's. The Ipod is all Nero-encoded AAC files, transparent setting (~200 kbps). I'll be honest, I can't hear the difference between the FLAC and AAC files, but I wanted to have all my music archived in lossless format anyway...
  7. Fireblade

    CD 3000 Problem

    A few days ago, I noticed some artifacts while listening to my Ipod through my CD 3000s. It's a sort of slight buzz only on certain notes, or perhaps instruments. I always hear it in the same songs, but it's difficult for me to pinpoint exactly what causes it. I'd say the closest thing I could...
  8. Fireblade

    New considerations about the MDR-R10

    I've always sort of wondered about what braillediver said. When people talk about coloration and neutrality, how do they really know? To use that visual analogy, you go through life looking through lots of windows. How often are you able to see what it *really* looks like before seeing it...
  9. Fireblade

    Tell me about CD3000!

    thsu02: Not sure what I'm doing wrong, then. I'm using some Homegrown DIVA interconnects that JMT made for me. Maybe I'm just more sensitive to certain sounds. Random list of songs or parts of songs that bother me with the amp: various rap, r&b songs (2 Pac, Janet Jackson, etc.) - (drum...
  10. Fireblade

    Tell me about CD3000!

    I got the CD3000's about three weeks ago. After about 3 days of burn-in, they sounded great straight out of my source (computer with M-Audio Revolution). I got a META42 with OPA-637 op-amps shortly after, but I've had trouble with some songs with the combination. I'm not super experienced...
  11. Fireblade

    Good IC's for rig

    I've also been wondering how the Zu Pivot cables compare to Homegrown Audio Braid DIY ones. My source is my computer (M-Audio Revolution card) and my amp will be a JMT-built meta42. Has anyone tried both of those cables?
  12. Fireblade

    Computer setup

    Hmm, doesn't the M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 have the same problem with its analog out? How does the Terratec LT version compare to the more expensive one? Would it be better than the Revolution? Oh, also - do I need to worry about the cables going from the sound card to the amp? I hadn't...
  13. Fireblade

    Computer setup

    After reading rewiews here and trying out a few phones that a friend at work had, I've decided to buy the Sony MDR-CD 3000. They seem like a pair I can really enjoy for a long time. I've contacted JMT about getting a META42 amp to go along with them. The only problem I'm having now is the sound...
  14. Fireblade

    Are the Sennheiser 580's good for rock music?

    Where is a good place to try out a few different ones before you buy?
  15. Fireblade

    Comfort and trying out headphones

    Thanks, I'll try starting there. Again, is there a store that's likely to have a few models that I could try? Or do you just need to know people that have a set? Any opinions on how the <a href=>M-Audio Revolution 7.1</a> sound card holds up? I would...