Recent content by FaxData
  1. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    hmm, I guess I don't really need to change C2... I was just contemplating it. Also, I believe I got polypropylene caps, not polyester ones. I could be wrong though. P3104 from digi-key. So what's the deal with C1? I've heard increasing the capacitance improves bass handling, and I've see...
  2. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    hmm, the 2107 is backordered on digikey, at least the DIP one is... I don't think I'm ready for SOIC just yet; they just look too difficult to solder. also, I've seen posts saying the ad8620 doesn't work well in a cmoy? I'm thinking of picking up the 2227, a TLE2426CLP and a 1000uF aluminum...
  3. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    brought the gain down to 2 (2.2k resistors for both R3 and R4), and now the noise is significantly less, a very quiet hiss. I don't think there's a point to lowering it further... I guess I have to accept some noise in the circuit? Or buy bigger cans... The writeup at tangentsoft wasn't...
  4. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    these are the earphones: cheapie sony earbuds, which have an impedance of 16 ohms and sensitivity of 108 db/mW. The only other headphones I have access to are my roommate's sony mdr-v700, which has an impedance of 24 ohms and sensitivity of 107 db/mW. It produces the same level of noise, as...
  5. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    saw the solder blob just as I posted it... heh. got rid of it, reshot the photo (same link above). interestingly, as soon as I saw it, I broke out the volt meter and there was no actual electrical connection there. thank goodness, or I'd probably short out the battery or something. yes, I'm...
  6. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    Thanks for the replies. Okay, I resoldered the circled joints and any others I could find where the hole was still exposed... (some I didn't even see until I took another photo, and looked at it up close!) It's still making noise. It sounds softer, but I think it's just because the room...
  7. FaxData

    CMOY help please :)

    Hi, nice to meet you all. I wish my first post was something besides a call for help... I've put together my first CMOY based on the plans over at tangentsoft, with the standard radioshack board, metal film resistors from radioshack and the rest of the parts from digikey. Using test cables...