Recent content by epithet
  1. epithet

    Headset - can hear everything but vocals?

    LIsten to this:   When it indicates it is playing from the left, what do you hear? Audiio in both channels?  Same for right?   When it plays in stereo, do you hear the same thing in both channels? (Does it sound like EVERYTHING is coming from...
  2. epithet

    Headset - can hear everything but vocals?

    If you plug them into your iPod and listen to music (but not classical), are you also missing many other things like bass, kick drum, snare while getting perhaps more background vocals, reverb and other effects?  Also, if yes, they'd assuredly be monaural in this scenario. Is that the case as...
  3. epithet

    newbie DIY'er here, 3.5mm connector

      Quote: Yes.  It would indeed be harder.  Some cables have a drain wire with the shield that can be used for soldering.  One could also solder some of the shield to the connector making their own "drain wire" of sorts.  In this scenario, one could cut the unsoldered portion of the shield...
  4. epithet

    newbie DIY'er here, 3.5mm connector

          Earlier, it was recommended that the shield be cut off flush with the jacket and not used (not soldered to the connector).  For line level signals or "interconnects," I do not recommend cutting off the shield and not using it.  The shield should be connected to the sleeve.  In...
  5. epithet

    BUNCH of ?'s before I go out and buy

      The green and the red in the picture would be twisted together. The yellow shield would surround them.  Sometimes the yellow shield has a "drain wire" that can be used to make solder connections (generally easier to solder the drain).  If not, collect up the shield and twist it into one unit...
  6. epithet

    BUNCH of ?'s before I go out and buy

    Quote: Yes.  Except in my mind, ====== and __________ would be exactly the same cables.  The __________ wouldn't be "half" of the ======= cable that you somehow disassembled and split.       Quote: Yes and no.  Yes, there will be three wires on each side.  But they won't all...
  7. epithet

    Question about making my first interconnect and iem cable.

    Will your cable be shaped like this: Y or like this: |  ?   Similarly is it for headphones or line level?     28awg is pretty small.  But when I think about it, iPod headphone cables can't be much bigger.  So it might be okay.  But, man, that's small. Let someone else chime in here...
  8. epithet

    Pimeta mounting/casing.

    Awesome.  Thank you so much.   grant
  9. epithet

    BUNCH of ?'s before I go out and buy

    Nah, just "three."  One single cable comes out of the connector.  Then you splice the split or Y further down the cable--away from the connector some desired distance.  In many ways, it's a worse way of doing it since that splice point can be shoddy and susceptible to damage.  But I've owned...
  10. epithet

    Pimeta mounting/casing.

    That's cool.  How about this, though:  how would I supply DC to the balanced chip you mentioned in the docs?  Just run the DC output from the power supply section to that in parallel with where ever else it goes?   grant
  11. epithet

    Pimeta mounting/casing.

    Excellent advice . Thank you.             Quote:   I like this idea.  Then, I could drill yet another hole to which I could zip-tie the cables.   Regarding the 1U box, I'm just being cheap.  Plus, it seems so tedious to box the thing up.  Add lazy to the list along with...
  12. epithet

    BUNCH of ?'s before I go out and buy

    So we could call what you want to make a "V" cable.  I originally was thinking it would look more like a "Y".  But both are possible.
  13. epithet

    BUNCH of ?'s before I go out and buy

    You know what?  I/we didn't ask what you wanted to do with the heatshrink.  If you want to put it over the outside of a connector and the outside of the cable as one heat shrunk piece, you may need 3:1.  But it's just common sense; you can figure out what to get based on your intended use.  ...
  14. epithet

    Pimeta mounting/casing.

    Sorry--I was cooking while typing my previous post and had to run off to save something from burning.  The first question should have been:   Is supporting the Pimeta solely by the volume knob mechanically safe, viable, sufficient, etc?   Also, in this scenario, the circuit board will...