Recent content by effles
  1. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Thanks again, Krutsch, huge help as always. I've ordered up the TS 6520.     Uh, I'm pretty uneducated when it comes to the actual workings of tubes, I just like how they sound. I'm sure someone that knows what they're talking about will weigh in with some answers for you, sorry I couldn't...
  2. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Thank you very much, Badas. I'll have a look into those recommendations, awesome.   Edit: How's this looking?
  3. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Cheers for the recommendation! Pretty interesting looking tube, quite far away from the Tung Sol., I'll see if I can get hold of a NOS in the UK.   Edit: After some research, the 7236 tubes seem to be a pretty good replacement for 5998s, anyone have any experience with these? Any thoughts on...
  4. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Hey guys, I'm pretty sure my Tung Sol 5998 is dying and I need to source a replacement. Unfortunately, the 5998 is pretty hard to get here in the UK and I was wondering if there were any comparable tubes that would be easier to source, doesn't necessarily have to sound as good as the 5998, but...
  5. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Jesus, there's some nice gear there. The He1000 on the Wa234 must be stunning, definitely something I'd love to try one day.
  6. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Yep! I listen to almost exclusively Folk, pretty heavily acoustic guitar and male vocals, these tubes really shine there. Enjoying them greatly. Thanks!
  7. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    So, my Philips Miniwatt SQ E88CC's arrived  earlier this week, been burning them in over the last few days. Overall, they're pretty great sounding tubes. I'm not particularly good at reviews, so I'll just say that they're very sweet sounding and the mid range is fantastic.   Many thanks to...
  8. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Oh, it's not your fault at all! They're great sounding tubes, but I'm probably just unlucky.   Thank you so much for the suggestions, I'll definitely consider all the options, but those Philips look great. Thanks!
  9. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Yeah, I did, and now there's a problem with my other original TK. Kind of annoying. Not sure if I can be bothered to order another one or try a different pair.   Any other suggestions that aren't outrageously expensive?
  10. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Anyone heard the ~1960s Amperex Bugle Boy ECC88 in a Wa3? Looking at buying a pair.
  11. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Hahahaha, yep. Unfortunately, as a student, that's a pretty big hit. Oh well, a new one is on the way, should be here next week.
  12. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Well, ****. One of my Telefunkens died on the way to university, so I'll have to replace that. In the mean time, it's back to the stocks.... :(
  13. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Yep, it's the TS 5998, had it for about a week and I absolutely love it.   Thank you so much for the suggestions, you've been very helpful!
  14. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Well, they're finally here; Telefunken E88CC. They're new tubes so I'll have to let them burn in for a few days so I'll give full impressions then. I'm enjoying them already, though.      
  15. effles

    Woo Audio Amp Owner Unite

    Holy crap, that's a pretty great price. I'd look around for more Power tubes, but I'm enjoying my 5998 too much.   Still waiting on my E88CCs, unfortunately, should be here early next week.