Recent content by dste6
  1. dste6

    LD MK4(se) is HERE, and new 325i's!!

    Contrats classic, i'm burning mine in as we speak with 701 and 6H30Pi-EH. Sounding mighty fine; still bit sharp but the things that stuck out with me were enveloping soundstage and depth. Also a very musical amp, Santana and RHCP are just more vibrant and interesting. I've compared the...
  2. dste6

    Little Dot Complaint

    Alright guys, i have just had some fresh correspondance with David today...and he has indeed conceided that it is a bad (and unique!) situation. He has now actually gone above and beyond, to make the delay up to me; I am impressed at how closely he monitors this community, and how readily...
  3. dste6

    Little Dot MK IV Tube Rolling

    Quote: Originally Posted by Tachikoma How many pins do 6H30s usually have? I'll check my new EH gold pins when I get home from work. Many thanks tachikoma; stands to reason that if they come with SE then its the same pin config...i just dont understand where this thing with...
  4. dste6

    ~$100 GF wants to spend on cans.

    IMO go with the ms-1...research that i did before i got mine indicated that the drivers in the ms-1 are slightly higher grade than the sr80 (more like between sr125 and sr225). I've since moved on to a very different sound (701), but even still i must maintain, i LOVED those ms-1's...thats the...
  5. dste6

    K701 - The nicest phones I've hated

    Quote: Originally Posted by Asr K701 is very dependent on both amp and source, not just amp! Where are the members of Team Source First? I've heard the K701 out of 10 CD players to date (some of them using the same amp and cables eliminating those variables) and I have to tell you, the...
  6. dste6

    Little Dot Complaint

    Guys you misunderstand me. I merely think that its important for there to be information up on this forum of both sides of possibility. I think that people should be informed that not only are there alot of successful transactions and happy customers, but also that unsuccessful/unsatisfactory...
  7. dste6

    Little Dot Complaint

    there is no loss, of course, the amp at is is qite good, theres no doubt about that...but 3-4 weeks of frustration, and defective REPLACEMENTS is significant enough to warn people about. Secondly, no the 6H30 are excellent tubes (when theyre not defective), and sadly their only replacements...
  8. dste6

    Little Dot Complaint

    as they say, any excuse will do
  9. dste6

    Little Dot Complaint

    I've heard alot about LD's famous customer service, however im sad to say I havent encountered it with my purchase of the MkIV in the last month or so. My amp wad DOA with a bad output tube (sov 6H30), when requesting a replacement LD has stalled with multiple excuses (tube shortage, QC testing...
  10. dste6

    Looking for tubes for the LD MKIII

    have you allowed it to break it? Alot of ppl seem to be disappointed with the initual sound of the MkIII, then go on to say that it improves dramaticly with burn in
  11. dste6

    Little Dot MK IV Tube Rolling

    They should, about to find out shortly , the WE's are apparently the for the 6H30's, yeh there doesnt seem to be anything else other than 6n6p from the ppl i've asked...however there are variants of the 6H30: 6H30 Types the DR is interesting, that BAT uses it...better be for 80...
  12. dste6

    Help decide on K601 or K701 based on my reviews!

    dont forget that many people mistake inarticulation and veil in sound for 'warmth', this is particularly true in warm ss amplification, but is also true for transducers (speakers and phones alike). I wouldnt base a purchase the perceptions of others of the tone/signiture of the phone, everyone...
  13. dste6

    Which transport with DAC1?

    Believe it on not, transport does make a significant difference. There are many factors that potentially degrade the (digital) signal on its way from media to dac, including mechanism stability, error correction algorithms, clock quality, jitter, and the connects to the dac are very important as...
  14. dste6

    Little Dot MKIII noise/volume issue

    Quote: Originally Posted by Penchum Does your computer audio have optical or coaxial out? The reason I ask: My ASUS notebook as HD sound chip. If I go line out to an amp, it is just too nasty to listen to. As soon as I go optical out to my DAC, then to my amp, everything is clean and...
  15. dste6

    Tube Amp for K701/DT880 under $800

    interesting question that, certainly there will be no load on the output circuit, however tubes will glow weither there is a load on the circuit on not. You'll find that all the tubes will glow with the unit powered on, even if you have no headphones to the front jack OR amp plugged in to the...