Recent content by discochan
  1. discochan

    Cambridge Audio Azur 540c

    Ive auditioned the 540 and the 640. The 640 is hands down much much better than the 540. I dont really know how to explain it, except it just sounded better. More soundstage, quicker and more revealing. Plus it really wasnt that much more
  2. discochan

    Naim CDPs?

    Is the Cd5x really worth the price over the Cd5i, its almost twice the price. Ive heard the cdx2 and it blows the cd5i away, but the x2 is in a difference league
  3. discochan

    Naim CDPs?

    how does upgrading the power supply help the sound of the player?
  4. discochan

    Naim CDPs?

    I think I'm going to get either the cd5i or the cd5x. I love my cambridge but it sounds flat and distant compared to the Naims That being said if anyone has a Naim CDP they want to sell, PM me!!
  5. discochan

    Naim CDPs?

    wow I wasnt even thinking about the cds3, that actually costs more than my car. Haha I thinking more along the lines of the cd5X or maybe cdx2
  6. discochan

    Naim CDPs?

    I recently have been looking into a bunch of Naim cd players. They are seriously the best sounding players Ive ever heard, but they cost a considerable chunk of change. I dont really mind the money but I was wondering for the same prices are there better players out there?
  7. discochan

    "Crash" won an Oscar???

    I thought Crash deserved the best picture. Easily the best movie I saw all year
  8. discochan

    how good is Alessandro Music Serie Pro?

    I think you'll love them
  9. discochan

    New Shamling CD player - Adjustable "warmth" !!

    hmm I wonder if it makes rice as well
  10. discochan

    How do you take your anime? Subbed or dubbed

    Definitely Subs I probably wont even watch an anime if its dubbed
  11. discochan

    Musicians who turn out to be good Actors

    Quote: Originally Posted by mysticaldodo Faye Wong - Chungking Express 2046 I love Faye Wong. I guess we can add Cecilia Cheung as well, that is if you guys watch Chinese movies
  12. discochan

    did my ms-1s come with any kind of warranty?

    I think you should have gotten a warrenty certificate in the box. I guess you could call Alessandro for the my definitive answer
  13. discochan

    Best CD player for a £500 budget ($900)

    You can get an apollo for under 1k. I auditioned it and its really nice
  14. discochan

    Rotel and Arcam CD players. Are they good?

    I like the Arcam ones that are out now, heard them at a local hi-fi store.