Recent content by DiscHead
  1. DiscHead


    Thanks guys!
  2. DiscHead

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    I am listening to QOTSA Rated R with an ancient set of SR-60 pads on HF-2 and holy crap, everything comes forward and the bass is just slamming. Best electric guitar headphones I have heard.
  3. DiscHead


    Could someone please tell me which pads are referred to as "comfies"? Are they the original SR-60 pads, TTVJ flats or something else? Thanks.
  4. DiscHead


    Quote: Originally Posted by grawk You seriously expect them to spend time finishing the wood on the inside of the cup that you can only see if you shine a flashlight in the cup? I don't expect it, I was just answering the question
  5. DiscHead


    Quote: Originally Posted by DoYouRight something no one has mentioned yet is, the wooden housing, mine is rough if you look thru the mesh. Like a Late Friday, is everyones like that or are some smooth? I shined an LED flashlight in there and man it is really hard for me to focus...
  6. DiscHead


    Here's #348 shipped Friday, received Monday (If you live in the US and chose UPS you might consider changing to USPS Priority, these got to the east coast that quickly, Todd told me UPS would probably be 5 business days. I am so glad I ordered the jumbos as the bowls were very uncomfortable to...
  7. DiscHead

    The Grado HF-2 Review/Comparison Thread

    Order 5949 + jumbo pads shipped Friday. Is anyone using the HF-2 with a Compass? If so, what Op-Amp and jumper settings are you liking?
  8. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    I saw The Hangover last night and that may be the funniest movie I've ever seen.
  9. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Grand Torino. I liked this movie-however-Walt's family members were a little unbelievable-it just seemed that Clint tried a little too hard to portray them as jerks-particularly the grand daughter.
  10. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Suicide Kings Excellent movie with Christopher Walken playing a NYC mob boss who is kidnapped by a group of 20ish friends who are trying to use his connections to get their kidnapped sister back. Highly recommended.
  11. DiscHead


    Quote: Originally Posted by Drumonron ...probably the last headphone purchase for me. He He He
  12. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kpalsm I watched two today (well technically the first one was last night, seeing as it's now morning), first was Magnum Force, the 2nd Dirty Harry movie. As good as I remembered it, 7.5/10. I just finished watching Se7en. I don't really know what to say...
  13. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Also yesterday I came upon Garden State playing on IFC. 8/10. Good script, Excellent cinematography and top-notch acting.
  14. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    I just took my kids to see Ice Age 3 in 3D. Great for what it is. The new 3D technology is really cool and a tremendous improvement over the old stuff.
  15. DiscHead

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Not a movie but I just watched season 4 of "The Wire" in a little over a week. Completely addicting.