Recent content by dingaling
  1. dingaling

    cheap decent headphone amp - recomendations

    I had some time to do some research and i'm leaning towards HOTUSB3 USB DAC Seems like your getting alot for the money, everyone says they sound really good and should cost more. The fellow that makes them is on this board i believe. Drag0n: i got the newer RP20's - But i'm pretty...
  2. dingaling

    cheap decent headphone amp - recomendations

    Quote: Originally Posted by tpc41 you can grab an adapter from radio shack for a few buck, i think your headphones are probably 1/4 inch jack, is it the same shape as the 3.5 mm just bigger? Yep that sounds like the one 1/4inch. Well so far it would seem for my low budget the...
  3. dingaling

    cheap decent headphone amp - recomendations

    i also wonder if there is much of an issue using these headphone amps with the tiny 3.5 jack inputs when the headphones i have use the larger plugs (bigger then 3.5mm, forget the name, maybe they are called XLR) I need to get an adapter to bring it down to 3.5mm. Are there issues with doing this?
  4. dingaling

    cheap decent headphone amp - recomendations

    I don't mind seeing what prices the products turn out to be, just id rather spend on the lower end of the scale, and hopefully some of you can say with experience "this model sounds pretty good for the price". I'd stretch the budget knowing something that costs a little more but sounds alot...
  5. dingaling

    cheap decent headphone amp - recomendations

    Now i am aware cheap and decent headphone amp probably doesnt belong in the same sentence. But anything has to be better then the onboard dell laptop earphone output. The headphones i got are just fostex RP20's, but they sound horrible though a laptop, and really good from a home theater...