75-233 Nani Kailua Dr Kailua Kona HI 96740
Playing Bass, Painting
Headphone Inventory
Sennheiser HD 598, Focal Clear, Audeze LCD 2 fazor, HiFi Man Ananda, Sony MDR Z1R, ZMF Atticus Cherry, ZMF Verite Open Sapele
Headphone Amp Inventory
Audio Quest Dragonfly Cobalt, Ifi Hip DAC2 (Burr Brown) with Bass Boost, Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies 3rd gen
Source Inventory
Tidal (my collection of CD’s are not getting much play time lately)
Cable Inventory
Nordstrom Blue Heaven interconnects, various aftermarket headphone cable (some actually make a noticeable difference)
Power-Related Components
Maze Audio REF4 Power Cables
Other Audio Equipment
McIntosh MT80 SACD Transport, McIntosh MB80 Streaming Audio Player, KEF LS50, Velodyne SPL1200 subwoofers
Audio-Related Tweaks
Thinking about using some kind of EQ processing - probably using Roon
Indulging my interests