Recent content by DaraZ
  1. DaraZ

    PX-100 Upgrade with unusual requirements

    what kind of music? and are you looking for more portable or not?
  2. DaraZ

    Looking for some headphone upgrades

    i really think as a newbie its best to go out there and try some. Its so hard to take all these recommendations and have other people narrow it down for you. It'll really drive you insane with all the contradicting arguments. So go to a sam ash or guitar center or something, try on as many as...
  3. DaraZ

    AudioTechnica: M50 vs. A700

    for me it would be a900 - 220 m50 - 130 a700 - 110 The price difference of $20 isnt much. looking at the graphs at of frequency response, the m-50 looks a little more balanced and has more low end. i think the m-50 is probably a better option for me. Thanks guys.
  4. DaraZ

    AudioTechnica: M50 vs. A700

    How would you describe the sound of the A700. And how are the mids and treble?
  5. DaraZ

    Trying on Headphones in Stores...Against the Law?

    Quote: Originally Posted by koven you do know they have a 30-day return policy right? When i asked he said they have a no-return policy on headphones...BUT i could buy the guitar center warranty and come back in 60 days and get new ones. Thanks but No Thanks
  6. DaraZ

    Trying on Headphones in Stores...Against the Law?

    Sorry i'm from Portland, Oregon, USA. I mean i guess as a teenager he would be weary of just letting me try any on, but once i made intelligent comments about what i heard he was a little more lenient. Either way it didnt really matter because he let me try them, i just thought it was a little...
  7. DaraZ

    Trying on Headphones in Stores...Against the Law?

    look at it from a first time full-size headphone buyer's point of view. How are you going to go pay $150+ for a new set of headphones without trying them on?
  8. DaraZ

    Trying on Headphones in Stores...Against the Law?

    I went to guitar center the other day and i asked to try on some of their headphones that were still in the box (they had none on display). The guy said, "No. It's actually against the law because of the possibility of spreading germs." He eventually let me try them on really quick and then took...
  9. DaraZ

    AudioTechnica: M50 vs. A700

    So over the last two weeks i've been reading at least 200 reviews of different headphones looking for a good pair for fairly balanced and somewhat accurate sound reproduction. I finally went to guitar center and convinced them to let me try a couple that were in the box (they had no display...
  10. DaraZ

    which music do you use to test headphones?

    I use: Pch - Metaform (REALLY deep bass so i can test that) Any song - Rodrigo y Gabriela (insanely fast songs on an acoustic guitar with a lot of slaps and hits to test out separation, quality, spaciousness and precision)
  11. DaraZ

    Regards & help. shure 840 vs. ath-m50

    I just tried the M50's today for the first time. They were broken so i could only use one side (the other wouldnt swivel, i guess it was put on backwards) but they were pretty great. Even through just one ear i could make out a lot of stuff i never had before. They seemed pretty balanced...
  12. DaraZ

    Sennheiser PX 100 vs. Koss Porta Pro - The Ultimate Thread

    How about those pads on the headband of the PX100. Does it add much? And the PortaPros have that lifetime warranty...
  13. DaraZ

    headphone brand elimination game!

    Sennheiser 12 HEAL Stax 8 HURT
  14. DaraZ

    Sennheiser PX 100 vs. Koss Porta Pro - The Ultimate Thread

    Comfortability and stay-on-your-head-ability...Which one wins?
  15. DaraZ

    Creative Aurvana X-Fi...Thoughts?

    I've been eyeing this for a little while, but i wanted to see what you guys think. Many like it more than the QC2 (not too hard to do) but i havent tried these. The features seem very nice as the crystalizer is like an all around eq boost. I've read some reviews but i'm looking for some more input