Recent content by danthevan
  1. danthevan

    JH Audio JH-3A and iPhone

    Still having issues, Jdevesa? Do you still find the 16s perform better *without* the 3A? If this is still the case, you are right to think it strange! Have you contacted JHAudio for advice at all? As you suspect, it may be a matter of cabling - how are you connecting the 3A to your iphone and mac?
  2. danthevan

    Final JH3A revision Impressions

    Have no fear, my friend, I intend to share my thoughts - once I finally have it and have spent some time with it, of course!   As for artwork, I decided to go the simple, no-nonsense route and opted for clear shells. I briefly considered the idea of artwork, but found it difficult to work...
  3. danthevan

    Final JH3A revision Impressions

    Thanks for the tips, danpong, and I agree, I think some ibasso research is in order! Let's keep each other posted about any findings, buddy.
  4. danthevan

    Final JH3A revision Impressions

    Thanks for your advice, kiwirugby, really helpful!   Having considered danpong's useful words, I'm now thinking of getting hold of an ibasso DX100 ($800+) with a moon audio cable ($65 +shipping) and use the digital out to maximise the JH3A rather than forking out $350 for a high quality LOD...
  5. danthevan

    Final JH3A revision Impressions

    Thanks danpong for your extremely helpful guidance!   I will look into the different possibilities, I'm thinking something like a LOD for the time being, rather than upgrading my DAP (much as the ibasso looks tempting), as I don't have much money to spend right now. The Whiplash you...
  6. danthevan

    Final JH3A revision Impressions

    Hi guys, only my second post but been reading for a while.   I just ordered the JH3A. After having been intrigued by them when I first heard about them, I followed the saga through the (extended!) headfi discussion over the last couple of years. This investment of time and curiosity, coupled...
  7. danthevan

    Which Amp?

    Hey everyone, I was hoping if people could make some recommendations for a portable amp that would complement my current set-up of a pair of Shure se530 IEMs twinned with an iPod. Would appreciate all suggestions! Many thanks, Danny