Recent content by ctchrisf
  1. ctchrisf

    Computer Build

    I stand by the 200-240 dollar range GPU's as being best bang for buck.  can't remember last game I had to change from Ultra settings.  40-60 FPS minimum.  Either GTX 760   $240   or       GTX 660   $190,3107-4.html and I...
  2. ctchrisf

    Topping VX1... anybody try it yet?

    any owners upgrade the PSU? I've heard many of these t amps limited by weak PSU's  think they come with 7 amp and they need a full 15 amp for full wattage?
  3. ctchrisf

    Kickstarter TUBECORE DUO

    Looks pretty sweet to me. Any word on retail price since I missed the kickstarter?  
  4. ctchrisf

    Ugg 2nd time writing this... $100 comfy open air headphone recommendation for casual listener who like good sound.

    Ok so I had a really witty interesting post written then stupid windows 8 did something; and here I am writing this once again.  Anyway quick and Dirty....  Commuter friendly (25% time) , not isolated from world (75%) easy to wear. maybe watching tv show on iPad, YouTube clips.  What...