Recent content by cicatrez879
  1. cicatrez879

    InEarZ (Fisher Hearing) Custom Remold Owner's Thread

    How long did it take for you all to get back a custom remold from Fisher? Let's say from the moment they received your ear mold to the moment you got the package. I sent them my SE530's and still waiting waiting waiting
  2. cicatrez879

    IEMs reshelled into Custom Molds $80 in the USA (TripleFi 10, SE530, etc.) from FISHER HEARING

    For those of you that rushed your order, how long did it take to get back? Let's say starting from the moment Fisher received the package.
  3. cicatrez879

    The most downright resilient songs that make your mood better - no matter what.

    clap your hands say yeah! by clap your hands say yeah
  4. cicatrez879

    SE530 Fraying problem

    Yup! That's exactly what I did (or am having done as we speak). I'll be able to show you how it turned out in a week. The way I did it is as follows: 1. Ordered the westone ES cable for $32 off their site. 2. found a local audiologist in my area, who took a mold of my ear with silicone. 3. I...
  5. cicatrez879

    Custom reshell/InearZ users: How to get earwax out of mold???

    Hey, This question is strictly for those of you with reshelled/custom IEM's. I'm about to get my reshelled SE-530's in a few days, but am wondering, how do you keep earwax from clogging up the small bore? If it gets compacted in there real nice, how do you get it out? Do you have to send it...
  6. cicatrez879

    SE530 Fraying problem

    Hi fellow se530 user, yes, as a matter of fact, you can get that restrung with new wires, but only with a $80 custom remold job at (SOOO worth it). They can outfit the se530's with the wire from Westone, Ultimate ear's, customs, you name it. I don't even represent them, I'm just...
  7. cicatrez879

    Shure se530 vs 535

    I've owned the new se530 for 1.5 years, no problem whatsoever with daily use in cold temps. Not that it matters anymore, I just sent my SE530's to get custom recased with the really nice westone ES cable (simply because I think it looks better). Buy the cheaper se530's, and spend the extra...
  8. cicatrez879

    Does Amping allow for better dynamic range at lower volumes?

    shure se530's, which are already a sensitive amp. They sound good at lower volumes, but whenever I turn them to medium volume they sound AMAZING. It's a sort of stellar sonic quality that seperates them from just standard "good" phones. Nonetheless, I want this, or at least to a close level...
  9. cicatrez879

    Does Amping allow for better dynamic range at lower volumes?

    Whats up ya'll, I'm still pretty new to this amping business, and considering buying a portable amp for a pair of IEM's I own. My main motivation is hearing from a friend that amping allows for a fuller dynamic range at lower volumes. I like to listen to music at very low volumes because I...
  10. cicatrez879

    SE530 users-how loud do you listen?

    Quote: Originally Posted by big_sound Well, since I started using them I have been cranking the volume a bit higher due to hearing loss. I use the volume control and i put it up to around 80% but then i keep the volume just under that so figure i usually listen at about 70-75% most of...
  11. cicatrez879

    SE530 users-how loud do you listen?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SillyHoney I dont get it? You set the volume at 5%? How the hell can you listen to music with 5% volume level? . Well first of all these are incredibly sound isolating headphones, and I just don't listen on buses/cars; I almost always listen in quiet...
  12. cicatrez879

    SE530 users-how loud do you listen?

    After reading a few threads on hearing damage from listening to headphones over 85 dB for extended periods (usually longer than 8 hours), I have become very interested in how loud my Shure SE-530s are playing. The trouble is, using SPL meters like the radio shack version on IEM's are not very...