chrisnyc75's latest activity
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to Bonesy Jonesy's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    However, quite a few people who had the dCS Rossini and Vivaldi (even the Ampex update) talk about on another hifi forum that they sold...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to Exekuhtor's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Maybe short term, but not that much long term. Remember Focal Utopia OG versus the new one. Everyone sold theirs for 1800-2300 and when...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Here's the thing: pricing a new flagship at $8k wouldn't make any sense at all unless it is markedly BETTER sonically than Susvara...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to ufospls2's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Well, They could price it at $6500 and copy Audeze in what they did from the LCD-4 to the LCD-5 (going from $4000 to $4500 retail.) Or...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to number1sixerfan's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    The expansiveness in staging could improve. Subbass could improve, resolution could also improve. It's great at all of those things, but...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to Ciggavelli's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    For $8k, the new pair of TOTL cans from Hifiman better be astounding. I hate that $8k is becoming the new standard for TOTL cans. Sh!t...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to jlbrach's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    when I was at canjam I was told by a susvara rep there was going to be a new model that was easier to drive but not better in terms of...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to number1sixerfan's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    Had no clue Hifiman had a new flagship in the works.. very interesting to hear indeed.
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    Interesting, but recent events with Focal, Meze, & Audeze suggest you should approach with skepticism. Newer isn't always better. I...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to jlbrach's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
    High current, you say? Let me talk to you about tubes...... :wink: After demoing DCS a few times in the past few years I've come to...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to Bonesy Jonesy's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    People keep chiming about 'power' for the Susvara....but it's not as simple as's lots of quality current that is need from...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    I mean it's 9 years since Susvara. Nearly a decade at the pinnacle, quite the achievement
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to tdx's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    If you have the means to get the EF1000, I would strongly advise also taking a look at the Riviera AIC10. It's in a similar price...
  • chrisnyc75
    chrisnyc75 reacted to TDHEAD's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
    I agree , I believe it's close to perfect. I was just using an example. BTW Im so far down the rabbit hole these days I can no longer...